The Simmonds Business Insurance Index™ - May

The buyer's market continues in the property and casualty insurance marketplace.

The Simmonds Business Insurance Index™

May, 2010

Renewal Premiums: -10%

Renewal Coverages: Liberal Terms

Buyer's Outlook: Long-Term: Prices Flat

The Simmonds Business Insurance Index™was built to give insurance buyers a way to judge upcoming insurance renewals.  While different industries and regions experience different risk profiles, this index is designed to give a broad market view.

Comments for May:

I keep reading of continued insurer capacity and improving insurer profits.

The renewals I am aware of are still quite aggressive. Buyers continue to experience falling prices.

The last few months I thought prices would start to rise. Now I'm thinking, not this year.

If your renewal is 6 months out or more budget for a 5% increase and push your agent and carriers. I don't think you will be unpleasantly surprised.

I am also starting to read more about the pain the agent community is feeling due to the long, "soft" market. Declining premiums mean declining revenues for agents.

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