Horrible Phone Call

The other day I got a horrible phone call.  

One of my clients is in the middle of a messy claim on their home insurance policy.

My work for this client has been on his company.  I had offered to review his personal insurance.  He never took me up on that offer.  Now he is having a problem.

I never want to get a call like this again.

While 99.9% of my work is business insurance, I do have expertise in personal insurance.  If you are a client, please let me review your personal insurance policies.

Here is my offer:

-Scan and email me you personal auto, home, umbrella, boat, motorcycle, and/or snowmobile policies.  Fax them if its easier. 

-All I need are the "declarations" pages.  The pages that describe you, your stuff, and your insurance.  I do not need the policy contract forms - I probably have those.

-I will review the policies and get back to you with my comments and thoughts.  We can talk about my concerns.  You can talk with your agent and then we can talk again, if you like.

-I will not charge you (or your company) anything for this review.  I do not want to ever get another call like this again!

Please take me up on this.  If not for you, for me.

PS - If you are not a client, I'm still glad to help.  My fee for personal insurance policy reviews is $250 (personal auto, home, umbrella, boat, motorcycle, and/or snowmobile policies).  Email me your policies and go to my fee page.

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