Livery and Your Personal Auto Policy

Livery is carrying goods or people for a fee.

There are insurance coverage issues to consider when a business uses a personal vehicle owned by an employee.  Most personal auto policies exclude coverage when the vehicle is used for livery.  The purpose of the exclusion is to remove coverage for a vehicle held out to the public as being for hire - a taxi service or delivery service.

Policies usually specifically allow share-the-ride arrangements and car-pooling.

The question often comes up when a personal auto policy covers a vehicle used for pizza delivery and the like.  In many cases there has been coverage allowed as the vehicle is not for the use of the general public.

The healthcare field also presents issues when a nursing home employee is asked to transport a resident to a store or appointment.  Again, the livery exclusion may not apply (even if a fee is being paid to the employee to cover expenses) as the vehicle is not put out there for the general public.

The safest way for an insurance buyer to handle the situation is to call their agent - preferably before a claim - to find out if there is coverage should an injury occur.

An auto policy may provide coverage.  However, there may be an issue of premium and underwriting.  

Many insurance companies will shy away from the exposure of a pizza delivery vehicle or an insured who regularly trasports elderly people to doctor's appointments.  The insurer may want to charge commercial rates.

Read your policy.  Talk with your agent.  Get good advice.

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