Fire Inept Insurance Agents

The finance director of a rather large nonprofit called me a few weeks ago. She was having trouble with her agent and was unsure as to the quality of their coverage. She described a pattern of unresponsiveness from the agent.

I prescribed a review of the policies and then a plan of action based on the review.

I found several coverage issues as well as the fact that the organization had two D&O policies - one for the main org and one for a subsidiary.

I drafted a letter to be sent to the agent outlining the issues and asking for quotes and clarification. The client and I agreed that we would give the agent a second chance but keep him on a short leash.

A week after the letter was sent my client called the agent. No response. A few days later, same thing. Yesterday he called her and promised an email last night and a call today. He never followed through.

I advised my client to call the commercial lines manager and demand that the account be assigned to another agent.

Insurance agents are paid to serve the insurance buyer. Without the service who needs an agent?

Fire inept agents. They rarely reform. Their lack of service costs you time and money.

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