Welcome to the 188th Cavalcade of Risk

 I am honored to be once again hosting the Cavalcade of Risk, a round up of risk-related posts of all sorts from around the blogosphere.

In reviewing the submissions for this cavalcade, I was struck by their technical and detailed nature.  I learned from the posts about the history of health insurance in China, how the MTA in New York City is planning for the next storm surge, and who serves on the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy. Thank you to all participants for sharing your wealth of knowledge. 

The mechanics of insurance fraud, and of fighting insurance fraud 

At the blog "From Bob's Cluttered Desk" Robert Wilson describes in his post "An Engaged Carrier Can Improve Care While Lowering Pharmacy Costs how a worker's compensation carrier worked together with physicians and state government to reduce prescription drug abuse and save money.

In Employer Fraud is the Wrong Way to Reduce Workers Comp Costs, Michael Stack at the Workers Comp Resource Center states many ways that employers try to cheat the workers compensation system, and what the consequences are of such fraud. 

The mechanics of Obamacare . . .

In Delaying the employer mandate has little effect on the ACA, the Colorado Health Insurer Insider discusses the details of the employer mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ie, Obamacare).  The post points out that very few employers will be affected by the mandate. 

. . .  And of health insurance in China

Jason Shafrin of Health Care Economist describes the history of Health Reform in China.

The mechanics of providing funding for storm surge losses

Clare Wilkinson writes in the Terms + Conditions blog  about New York MTA in Storm Surge Catastrophe Bond First.   The captive insurer of the New York Mass Transit Authority (MTA) has turned to the catastrophe bond market to strengthen its reinsurance protection. The $125 million catastrophe bond will provide MTA with cover solely for storm surge – a first in the history of the catastrophe bond market.

The mechanics of scams, and the mechanics of helping someone who has been scammed

In Scamster Tricks, Hank Stern, the fearless leader of the Cavalcade of Risk, writes at Insureblog about how he (hopefully) saved a woman from being scammed by a fake health insurance agent.

The mechanics of obtaining life insurance despite a preexisting condition

In Life Insurance with Pre-existing Conditions. Jeff Rose at Life Insurance by Jeff states options for you if you have a preexisting condition and want life insurance. 

The mechanics of regulating pharmacists

At Health Business Blog David Williams argues in Pharmacy Board Needs a Non-Pharmacist Majority that in light of tainted steroid injections originating in Massachusetts that caused many fatalities, the composition of the  Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy should be changed to include more non-pharmacists. 

The mechanics of insurance coverage for flat tires

In Does Car Insurance Cover Tire Damage, Financial Ramblings posts on when auto insurance does and does not cover flat tires. 

The host of the next Cavalcade of Risk is R. J. Weiss of Weiss Insurance Agencies.

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