The Fundamentals of Lending From Hard Money Banks

By Tim Kelly

Hard money lenders have consistently been the reprieve of property investors who want to close a deal but are short of funds. Infrequently, investors still use this kind of financing even they already have money. Before you call those investors crazy, read on about hard cash lenders. Here some of the basics that you should know about them.

They are less difficult to convince compared with banks and traditional lenders. People have called hard money financing "easy access to credit" and why not. Because hard money banks, who are also called private banks, often work on their lonesome, you will not have to convince lots of individuals to get your loan approved. If the lender says yes to you, then that's it; No more approval of other personnel and office highers. Traditional banks often need the nod from a specific number of staff before they release loans.

1 reason why private lenders don't take long in processing loan applications is perhaps because they use a different system when judging borrowers. If traditional lenders look at your creditworthiness based mostly on you credit score, non-public lenders care about the deal you are presenting. They want to know what deal you want to close using their cash and if you will be able to repay them wit the profit you will get from this deal.

As an example, if you want to rehabilitation a property, they can assess whether or not that house indeed has a potential to yield profit. They will look at how you plan to transform an old house into a new home. If they see that you'll be in a position to pay back the cash through that deal, then they'll finance it.

Because of this system, hard money lenders are rather more exposed to risks of defaults. Add to this the incontrovertible fact that they lend money even to people who have poor credit scores. As mentioned earlier, private lenders care about the deal borrowers present and not about their present earnings or other proofs of credit rating. That's the reason why they use a steeper interest rate compared to normal banks. If banks are severe in screening loan candidates to ensure their survival, the high interest is personal banks ' way of keeping their business running. Rates vary dependent on location but an 18% interest is common.

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