Investors Turning to Hard Money Lenders

By Tim Kelly

Folks who've been getting into purchasing properties at the curators ' sales now know that the 3rd party action has been increasing dramatically in the past months. From a spread of sources, cash is flowing to the high bidders in higher and higher volume. More properties are now being exposed with equity added when lenders offer properties at steep kickbacks below the amounts due those lenders. It is claimed that the foreclosure market is a cleaning processâ€"-removing bad loans and properties that amassed during the latest "real estate bubble".

You probably already realize that you can't go to a lender and ask for cash with which to make a cash bid on a property coming up at a trustee's sale. Hopefully, your own pockets are deep enough you can buy at the sales with your own money. This isn't true for the majority of us, especially when buying first (generally bigger) loans. We are able to then seek other varying amounts of money from other knowledgeable real estate investors who are prepared to start and continue on a long term basis in the foreclosure business.

Personally nonetheless , I think that the consistent and most successful bidders today are those who associate with hard license money lender working with investors in real estate having limited capital. These financiers do not seek to add on to their capital worth through property retention and appreciation but through the multiple amounts offered at enticing rates (for the bank) to these financiers. Those investors consent to a short term loan with which to follow those unique properties offered at a discount at the curators ' sales.

The hard money lender is a not an uncooperative bank since his short-term advances have enticing rates and loan charges. I understand that such loans today (early 2010) are available at 12% interest with loan charges around 7% of the amount of the loan. The near term defaults on these loans barely occur since such loans are just available on properties with proved equity. Though there is not such a thing as a low risk real-estate investment, the hard money lenders come close to approaching that ideal.

Understanding that purchase money regularly can be gotten through hard cash banks to buyers of properties at the trustee's sales unscrambles the first investment need of the investor. It doesn't , however , ease the Problems purchasers face when financing the rehabilitated property purchased later from that financier.

The casual lending days which existed before the fresh finance disaster are an outmoded thing. No-doc and low-doc loans are an anathema to most home, consumer lenders nowadays. The number and heights of the rings home borrowers must jump through to get even an expensive loan are electrifying and daunting to many customers. Not only will the potential lender rigorously inspect the borrowers credit but also current and future income capacities and existing liquid money available to meet emergencies which could affect the facility to meet payments when due on the attendant promissory notes. No stone is left unturned, and no slight of hand related to the loans will be toleratedâ€"-now. This, of course, is the opposite of the lender's position till the financial collapse. (Who was accountable for this disaster? It actually looks like the banks and borrowers themselves)

The home lending system seems focusing on not stepping into the deep morass into which they stepped lately. Naturally, the legislature is working hard to make it hard to repeat the most recent fiasco, yet it seems that current legislation appear in time to fix old issues.

Since it is difficult for the buyers to be accepted for residential loans, the estate financier with a variety of money sources available with which to buy properties at the trustee's sale now encounters a second problem. Where do the buyers of the properties purchased at the sales find the money with which to purchase the rehabilitated properties? Money is tight. Banks are stingy. Restrictions on borrowers are at a unprecedented level. Do you see the paradox that I see here? It will be fascinating to discover how current loan alterations and limitations are altered to allow the customer to begin the home purchasing process confidently.

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