Our 2010 annual report

We've just posted our annual report for calendar year 2010.

It can tell you things like:
  • Washington premiums for earthquake insurance last year ($118 million). Claims were almost nonexistent.
  • Medical malpractice insurance premiums totaled ($157 million).
  • Who the top 40 companies are, for each line of insurance business.
  • Accident and health coverage is a $14 billion business in Washington.
  • Health insurers pay out an average of nearly 86 cents for every dollar in premiums they collect.
  • Mortgage guaranty insurance, due to the housing market turmoil, has seen a big surge in payouts over the past few years, and continues to lose money. Last year, these policies paid out nearly $1.76 for every dollar in premiums they collected.
And if you want to compare data year-to-year, we've posted all our annual reports online since 1998. (Here's an interesting one: Take a look at mortgage insurance claims in 2005, for example, compared to the last couple of years.)

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