New free iPhone app guides you through steps after a car accident

AAA has released a new iPhone app that will walk you through the steps to take after an auto accident, including a list of information to gather for police and your insurers, photos to take, and a diagram of vehicle damage.

You don't have to be a AAA member. The app is free, and AAA says it's working on a version for other smartphones.

No smartphone? Here's a comprehensive auto accident checklist, put together by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, that you should print out and keep in your car.

Here are the steps we recommend:
  • Stay safe, but try to warn oncoming traffic of the danger at the scene. Turn on your hazard lights.
  • If someone's hurt, give reasonable aid and call 911 immediately. Don't move them unless absolutely necessary.
  • Notify the police.
  • Give and get info for the accident report, including insurance information, license plates, names and contact information of those involved, including police and witnesses. Diagram the scene.
  • If you can do it safely, take photos with a camera or phone.
  • Call your agent or insurance company.
  • Many experts advise not admitting fault or assigning blame, and only discussing the details of the accident with police or your insurer.

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