Filing a Holocaust-related life insurance claim

This morning's New York Times had a story about the ongoing struggle for Holocaust survivors to collect on life insurance policies.

The International Commission on Holocaust-Era Claims, which helped collect more than $1 million for Washington state claimants, stopped accepting claims in March of 2007. But you may still be able to file a claim. The following companies have agreed to accept post-deadline Holocaust-era claims directly from individuals:
  • Generali
  • Allianz
  • AXA
  • Winterthur
  • Zurich
  • as well as their affiliates and other German companies.
Also: After the closure of the international commission's claims period, Washington state's Holocaust Survivors Assistance Program has continued to help some claimants recover money from the Austrian General Settlement Fund.

For help or questions -- if you're a Washington state resident -- contact our office at 1-800-562-6900. (If you live in another state, here's a list of contact information for other state insurance departments.)

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