Tiny Insurance Buyers and Insurance Agents

Your insurance agent is an important part of your insurance program.  Without a strong agent, your insurance will be weak.

Your agent should be working with you at each renewal.  Even if you are a tiny client to the agent your coverage should be reviewed at least once a year.

There are a great many insurance buyers out there who spend less than $1,000 a year on property and liability insurance.  Frankly, that's about $125 in revenue to the agent.  Not much.

Here are some pointers if you're not the biggest fish in your agent's pond:

-Have all your insurance with the same agent.  Home, business, auto...  That makes you a more important client to the agency.

-Don't expect 3 visits a year.  A phone call or two can go a long way to making sure that you get the coverage you need.  Do not demand face to face visits - unless you go to the agent's office.

-Refer business to your agent.  If you are getting good service, recognize that by sending business the agent's way.

-Send a note to the boss.  Find out who the agent's boss is and send a note of praise.  This does not happen often and will make you more visible to the agent and agency.

Dump deadwood agents.  Insist on good service.  You may have to change agents.  Do so sooner rather than later.  

There are agents out there who want to deal with very small businesses.  Even the largest insurance agency has inside people dedicated to smaller clients.  

Talk to friends and associates to find out who they do business with.  Check with the local chamber of commerce.  Go to your trade group looking for agents who specialize in your industry.

There are too many good agents out there for any business person to put up with bad service.

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