What Services Should Agents Offer Business Insurance Buyers?

On the Insurance Journal Forum I was asked, "What kinds of stuff makes an insurance consultant stand up and take notice???"

My List of Required Actions (Plus) for Agents Serving My Commercial Clients:

-Annual review meeting to review coverage (at insured's office, at agent's office, or on the phone).

-Presentation of renewal proposals 30 days prior to expiration - 60 days prior if the account is being renewed with the current insurer without other proposals. (This is a new requirement, that I know will cause gnashing of teeth. However, it is a standard that can be reached.)

-If the account is dynamic or complex, a mid year review - or more.

-Claims reviews as needed - discussing all open claims.

-Experience modification claim review (agent talks with adjuster) 5 months into the WC policy - all open claims going back 4 years.

-Review of experience modification worksheets when issued.

-Responsive to service requests.

-Utilizes email.

-Able to scan documents and attach them to emails.

-Responsive to coverage questions and alternative quotes.

-Broad access to markets - standard and E&S (through a broker is fine).

-A student of insurance coverage - advanced designations, access to FC&S, and other reference materials.

-A general attitude of, "how can we make it easy for you to do business with us."

I bring business to agents that meet the above. I appreciate agents who bring me ideas and insurance thinking. Emails sent to me that start, "I saw the attached and thought you might find it interesting." Company reports, agency white papers, copies of marketing materials, and other materials that help me serve my clients better. Don't buy me gifts, offer me lunch, send me sporting events tickets - all will be refused and returned.

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