The effect of global warming on insurance coverage issues

Mike Tracy of Rudolph Friedmann LLP forwarded a copy of this interesting article by Robert Redfearn, Jr. of Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn about the likely effects that global warming will have on the insurance industry.

The article talks about claims alleging that corporations are liable for damages because their practices have contributed to global warming.

More broadly, global warming has already begun to impact insurance coverage litigation. As just one example, litigation arising out of Hurricane Katrina led to extensive interpretation of "anti-concurrent causation" or ACC, clauses in insurance policies. Those clauses exclude coverage whenever an excluded peril and a covered peril combine to damage a dwelling or personal property. Insurers denied coverage under homeowner's policies on the basis of those clauses where damage was caused by a combination of wind (a covered peril) and water (an excluded peril).

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