OPCF 44: McGrath v. Arshad, [2008] O.J. No. 5771 (S.C.J.)

This decision clarifies the underinsured provisions of the OPCF 44. The at fault driver, Arshad, had $200,000 in liability insurance. There were multiple plaintiffs, whose claims exceeded $200,000 and would therefore share pro rata. One of the plaintiffs, McGrath, had purchased $2,000,000 in extra insurance but his pro rata share was only $20,000. His insurer took the position that its obligation to pay started at $200,000. The court disagreed and held that the insurer was obligated to make up any shortfall between the actual amount the claimant received from the underinsured driver ($20,000) and his damages up to the OPCF limits ($1,800,000).

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