MOVIE REVIEW "The Secret of Jonathan Sperry" out now

I took the kids with some friends and we saw this Christian movie in the one solitary theatre that Malco was showing it, at Wolfchase Mall.

It is set in 1970, and is fictional.

An older man begins to talk with boys who mow his lawn and it leads to a meaningful bible study that grows and changes the lives of many in the little town.

The movie was more like the 50's in the way it portrayed the safe little neighborhoods where everyone knows each other. A crush on a girl is portrayed in an innocent way. His very Bible lesson is filled with fun and creativity (a secret).

There is overt presentation of the gospel several times, and a bit of surprise ending.

You will laugh and you might cry. Your kids, as long they do not expect robots and mayhem, will like it too. It is not very long.

Please consider spending your entertainment dollar on this type of small Christian film, now, before it goes to video.

Thanks for reading.

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