Claim Contact Phone Numbers

Right now.  Before you do anything else, send an email to your insurance agent requesting the current claim hotline number for your insurance companies.

(If you're an insurance agent reading this, why not send the claim hot-line numbers to your clients as a service.)

When the agent gets you the phone number call it to be sure you have the right number.

For your personal insurance you need the claim number for your auto, home, motorcycle, snowmobile, etc. insurance company.

For your business insurance you need the claim number for your property, liablity, and auto insurer.

Keep those numbers where they are easy to find.  Easy for you or anyone else in your organization who may need them.  Make sure those numbers are in every vehicle you own (along with a disposable camera to document an accident).

The faster you report claims, the faster you will get an adjuster moving to help you.

For most cases, it's better to call your insurance company first.  Call your insurance agent later.

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