Just Published, 20 Biggest Business Insurance Mistakes - 4th Edition

The fourth edition of my most popular white paper is now available. Thousands of copies have been downloaded and shared. I receive comments from all over the world on my ideas included here.

Some of the info is similar to past editions. Some stuff is new. I have also added an insurance glossary and my article on how to read an insurance policy.

The white paper is 100% free...

-You don't need to fill out any forms.

-You won't be added to any list.

-The 40 page document is absolutely free - no strings attached.

Get it Here

Comments appreciated and welcome.

Insurance Buyers - This document will give you ideas and hints as to issues you should be discussing with your insurance agent. Many insurance buyers have fount tips here that have saved them thousands of dollars. Feel free to pass this on to other business owners, your attorney, and accountant.

Insurance Agents
- Agents often ask me how to differentiate themselves from competing agents. I counsel agents to increase the value they provide to prospects and clients. Here is a free tool for you to use. Distribute this document to your clients and prospects (naturally, without alteration). Email the document or point people to the webpage.

Insurance Company People - Feel free to tell your agents and marketing people about this white paper. Pass it on.

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