Insurance Review - Coverage, Service, Price

Your business insurance program is determined by three components:

1) Your appetite for risk
2) The insurance marketplace
3) Your loss exposures

Those three variables determine the insurance program that protects your business.

Let's go deeper though...

--Who assesses the overall quality of your insurance plan?  

--What biases and conflicts does the quality assessment include?

--What is the program's combination of coverage, service, and price?

You can certainly have your agent evaluate your insurance program.  The results are rather predictable.

You can have a competing agent evaluate your insurance program.  Now we have set up a situation where the vested interest is in finding everything wrong!  However, I think we all know what the ultimate recommendation will be.  Somehow the reviewing agent will have all the answers.

How about an unbiased review by a professional insurance consultant?  Yep, that's me!

I'll do an amazing job and uncover every issue and problem.  I'll work through the holes in your coverage and fix the overlaps.  I'll stand next to you while we retool your insurance.

My minimum fee is $5,500.

When I'm involved in an account review my fees are small compared to the issues I usually uncover.  What is the cost of a $150,000 uninsured loss?

Some companies see my fee and gulp hard.  So, I developed my Insurance Assurance Toolbox.  For $99 you get everything you need to work through your insurance  - avoiding the bias of a new agent while pulling your agent through a comprehensive process where you have knowledge.  

My toolkit lets you know what questions to ask so you get a fair, comprehensive review of your insurance.

I even offer a money back guarantee - If this tool does not meet your expectations just send it back to me with the reasons why within 7 days. You'll get a full and immediate refund. (Insurance agents, insurance consultants, or insurers are not eligible for the refund.)

This workbook will improve your coverage and get you better value for your premium or your money back.

Scott Simmonds, CPCU, ARM, CMC
"The Guy With the Big Insurance Brain"
Providing Unbiased Insurance Assurance℠

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