Don't Let Insurance Lapse In Tough Times

(NAPSI)-In a recent study, 5 percent of consumers said they were planning to cancel or reduce their insurance to help make ends meet. Advisors warn this short-term savings could be disastrous in the long run.

When it comes to protecting your family's financial future, life insurance plays an important role. With the job market rocky at best, if the breadwinner in your family gets laid off, the loss of income will affect the entire family. What would that family do if that person dies? A big fear for many American families is the death of a wage-earner or caregiver, leaving the surviving family members unable to cope financially. Life insurance offers peace of mind through immediate financial protection for dependents.

Life insurance enables individuals and families from all economic brackets to maintain independence in the face of financial catastrophe. It is important during uncertain times that you consult a life insurance agent to make sure your family is protected.

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