MEMIC, Me, and Employment Practices Liability Insurance

A VP at Maine Employers Mutual called me the other day. He wanted to use my April blog post on their new employment practices liability insurance coverage. His idea was to send it to agents. I said sure, why not.

I've been critical of Maine's largest workers' compensation insurer over the years for a variety of items, mostly their pricing philosophy. I am an admirer of their management of safety and loss control. As far as I'm concerned, they wrote the book on preventing losses. It's nice to be able to praise their innovation on this issue.

Few employers should be without employment practices liability insurance. MEMIC's approach of adding coverage to the workers' compensation policy is excellent in that it will allow small employers to have the coverage easily. The MEMIC VP reminded me that they can serve larger employers and offer high limits too. Noted.

Here are some other issues to consider:

-How current is your employee handbook?

-It's better to not have a handbook than to have one you don't follow.

-Better yet, update the handbook to match your process.

-Have a labor attorney review your applications and policies regularly.

-Your managers must be trained in your process.

-Documentation is vital on any employee issue - if it isn't in writing, it didn't happen.

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