Animals In The Road

Recently, a dog ran across a local highway, causing a multi-car pileup that resulted in many thousands of dollars of damage and several injuries. One man was life-flighted to a nearby hospital. The dog trotted away, oblivious to the calamity he caused.

I was a terrible driving instructor for my kids. I hated it and they hated having me with them. However, I counseled each of them on an issue that does not show up in any driver training guide - never swerve to avoid an animal in the road. If it is safe to slow down, fine. If you can safely stop without causing the guy behind you to collide with you, fine.

If it isn't safe to slow down or to stop, run over the animal. Animal life is important. The death or injury of a pet is terrible. Human life, however, is more important by any rational standard.

It seems that almost weekly there is a story of somebody who swerves to avoid a dog, cat, or squirrel in the road. Lives are lost, property damaged, and people are critically injured. Run over the animal. Nobody's life is worth saving a dog. Hitting a squirrel is far better than being a paraplegic or having thousands of dollars in car repair bills.

I expect to catch some heat on this. I'll take it. I know I'm right.

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