What if I fail the exam?

If the company refuses to insure you because of your medical condition, first check that the medical report is accurate. Request that the company send a copy either to you (which they may not do) or to your doctor (which they will do). Go over the report with your doctor. You may be facing legitimate health concerns that you need to address. If you find a mistake on your medical report, notify the insurance company in writing immediately. Being turned down for life insurance can affect other insurance applications that you may be filing.

If the medical report is correct and the company charges you a higher premium, appeal to the agent who sold you the policy, although chances are you’ll have very little luck changing the amount. You can go to a different company, but they’re likely to discover the same problems and raise their premium as well. At that point, you either pay the higher premium or lower the face value to lower the premium. You can also try to find an insurance policy that doesn’t require a medical exam or that requires only a limited exam. (An independent agent may be able to refer you to another company.) In any case, discuss the situation with your agent to see whether the two of you can come up with a solution.

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