What's Not Covered - Commercial General Liability

General liability insurance policies cover businesses for bodily injury and property damage for which the insured is libel. As with all policies, there are exclusions. Here are the commonly excluded events:

-Nuclear hazards
-Bacteria and fungi
-Auto accidents (covered by your auto policy)
-Owned watercraft
-Non-owned watercraft over 26 feet
-Expected or intended injury
-Liquor Liability if you are in the business of selling or making booze, beer, or wine
-Injuries to workers or arising out of a relationship to employees (workers comp covers such)
-Transportation of mobile equipment
-Racing or preparing for racing of mobile equipment
-War and Terrorism
-Property damage to property you own, rent, or occupy, property loaned to you,
-Recall Expenses
-Damage to your product arising out of your product
-Damage to your work
-Damage to impaired property or property not physically damaged
-Employment practices events - discrimination, harassment, wrongful hiring, etc.

Obviously, this isn't a comprehensive listing or explanation of general liability coverage. Read your policy and ask your insurance adviser how your coverage works.

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