LA Insurance Commissioner Makes Flood Announcement

LA Insurance Commissioner Makes Flood Announcement
I got this today. Quite a helpful reminder to insurance agents...

To: All Louisiana Producers

From: Commissioner Donelon

Re: Spring Flood Update

As the spring flood has moved into Louisiana, I am asking your assistance in communicating important information regarding the National Flood Insurance

Program (NFIP) to the citizens of Louisiana.

Please alert your clients with flood coverage that the NFIP may reimburse residents up to $1000 for preventative measures taken such as sandbags, supplies, and labor for property removed to safety. Insured property must be stored in a fully enclosed building and is covered for 45 consecutive days from the date it began being moved there. Residents should keep all receipts in order to receive reimbursement, and submit them to their claims adjuster. In preparation of filing a flood insurance claim, residents should have their insurance policy, inventory of their contents, all receipts, and photos of damaged items (if possible).

Please feel free to direct individuals with flood insurance questions to the NFIP at 1-866-751-3989 or other insurance questions to the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) at 1-800-259-5300. Thank you for your assistance.

With best wishes and kindest personal regards, I remain

Very truly yours,

James J. Donelon

Commissioner of Insurance

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