Understanding The Basics - Currency Trading For Beginners

By Frank Miller

I find it amazing that nearly everyday I receive something online or offline that is the greatest break-through in Trading. You know the stuff. This 'system or that 'method has been thoroughly tested and back-tested in every conceivable fashion and is wildly successful. Some work for a period of time but most do not. The decades old statistical fact still remains, 90+% of Futures Traders will lose all of their trading capital within their first year of trading. Now there is a new and promising alternative.

These forex currency trading orders are only active for as long as the position remains open and you are able to set a stop loss or limit order. Global forex trading offer you the possibility to deal in real time online currency trading that is making millions of forex brokers rich each day. When you start with forex currency trading then it is important that you set your goals and plan your strategies.

So what does this have to do with trading? There are literally hundreds of different e-currencies. Each is backed by an underlying Currency or a precious metal. The need arises to exchange between these e-currencies or convert an e-currency to hard cash. Much like the Euro is to the European Union. We can profit from the exchanging process and profit from the fluctuation of the underlying currency value.

There are a couple of important things to know about how the pairs are shown. First, the stronger currency is traditionally listed on the left. So, when you see EUR/USD, you know that the Euro is stronger than the US dollar. This stronger currency, the one on the left, is called the "base currency." The base currency is what you buy or sell. So, if you buy 10000 EUR you are automatically selling 10000 USD.

Leverage, that double-edged sword that Futures Traders are so familiar with is also present in e-Currency Trading. You can borrow against your portfolio to buy more e-currency. The compounding affect is almost outrageous. Some would argue that you never have to pay back the leverage. I contend that it is paid back if you closed your e-Currency account, because your final balance would be less the amount leveraged. The point here is the leverage in futures trading is often times the demise of a well intended trader versus the leverage afforded an e-currency trader combined with the daily compounding affect creates portfolio growth at a phenomenal rate. It is not uncommon to see portfolio growth of 20 - 40% per month.

Currency trading is quite similar to trading stocks on the market, however unlike the domestic stock markets, the forex currency trading is open for trades 24 hours a day. Online Currency Trading is not a difficult process if you take your time to do your research and understand the market. Electronic currency trading is fuelling the exponential growth of the global foreign-exchange market. I hope that this brief explanation of what the Forex currency trading market is and how it can benefit you will encourage you to look further into this fascinating investment opportunity.

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