Stock Vs Bond Funds - Best Mutual Funds For 2013 And 2014

By Frank Miller

What is the best way to invest $10,000? If this is something that you really want to know, know that there are plenty of ways in which you can invest this money. First, you have to determine how long you want to sit on this money. When do you want to see a return? You know that the faster you want to see a return the higher the risk that you are dealing with.

Just for the record, bond funds have actually outperformed over the past 30 years; and over the past dozen years they have clearly been the best mutual funds , and perhaps the very best investment for the average investor. When investing for 2013, 2014 and beyond the stock funds vs. bond funds debate SHOULD BE on your mind. After all, these are traditionally the two best investment options for average investors who want growth and income, and are where most investors put their money.

Mutual fund companies have the advantage of capitalizing on economies of scale because they pool investors' monies together. Since these companies have large amounts of money to invest, they usually have personal contacts at many brokerage firms and often trade commission-free. Mutual funds are easy to take care of. The bookkeeper is much more challenged when there are hundreds of stocks to keep track of!

Since the beginning of the year 2000, stock funds vs. bond funds have paid much lower dividends, AND have experienced heavy losses in TWO severe bear (down) markets. Average investors have lost confidence in equities, and now many consider the stock market too risky. In deciding which are the best mutual funds and your best investment for 2013 and 2014 keep this in mind: both have significant risk going forward. On the other hand, only one of these investment options has the potential for high returns, while the other has limited prospects for gaining significantly in value - plus plenty of downside risk. If the interest rate trend turns around and rates rise significantly, fixed income debt securities WILL be losers and WILL be BIG LOSERS if interest rates go up big time. They can't be big winners if rates continue to fall... because interest rates are already ridiculously LOW and can't fall much further. Equities or the stock market is a more difficult call, but generally speaking when money leaves the debt securities market some of it flows to equities which tends to support stock prices. That's the advantage of stock funds vs. bond funds as the best mutual funds going forward. They have upside potential, while bond fund returns are limited.

So if you're wondering how to invest your money, this is a great way to go about that. So go ahead and invest and have a great time doing it. You might be quite pleased.

Generally speaking, mutual funds have a much lower risk than stocks. This is largely to diversification which was mentioned earlier. With stocks, there is always the worry that the company you are investing in will go belly up! With mutual funds, that is next to impossible. As you can see, there are many advantages in investing in mutual funds over stocks. It is not to be said that you should never invest in stocks, but if you are just getting your feet wet with investing it would be best to go with mutual funds!

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