Freedom and Independence

Independence day in America is July 4. It is a day of fireworks, picnics and grilling out. Having recently visited Independence Hall in Philadelphia I was struck anew just how brave these few flawed founding fathers were. Standing up to the largest empire that existed. Troops were on the ground, and more were on the way. The battles would have to be fought here. If you host a battle, home field advantage is often overshadowed by the awful inevitable destruction. I just visited Arlington national cemetery. There are rows of white tombstones are far as you can see. Did you know that belonged to Robert E Lee originally? Anyway, those soldiers died for you and for me. For freedom. It occurred to me as I visit our national Capitol that few if any Americans would actually read the Declaration of Independence on this day. Doesn't sound like fun? How bout this? Have amazing stars explain and than read you -- or really perform-- this great document that we hardly have lived up to yet. Interested? Is it worth it to you? If so, gather round and watch 15 minutes. (That is 1/4 of an American Idol episode) Enjoy. Happy fourth of July

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