Superior Court notes lack of standard for imminent threat of offsite migration of contaminants

From 1853 to 1952 FG&E owned and operated a plant that manufactured gas. The manufacturing process generated hazardous materials at the site.

FG&E filed a lawsuit seeking a declaration that several primary liability policies issued by OneBeacon and Travelers provide coverage for cleanup costs.

The insurers, relying on an owned property exclusion, argued that coverage is triggered for any policy period only if there was off-site property damage during that policy period.

In Fitchburg Gas & Elec. Light Co. v. OneBeacon Am. Ins. Co., 2010 WL 5490148 (Mass. Super.), Judge Neel of the Massachusetts Superior Court noted that under Massachusetts law coverage is triggered for a cleanup designed to prevent further migration of contaminants to off-site property, even when such migration has not yet occurred. However, there is no standard by which such a threat of migration is to be measured.

This case, however, would not set that standard. Noting that there were competing expert affidavits about whether the contaminants have or would migrate offsite, Judge Neel denied summary judgment to both sides.

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