FDIC and Professional Liability Lawsuits

I do a lot of work with banks. I subscribe to FDIC news notices.

This one (2/10/2011) made my blood run cold... Something about the tone... Obviously I knew that FDIC goes after bank directors. However!

Professional Liability Lawsuits

As receiver for a failed financial institution, the FDIC may sue professionals who played a role in the failure of the institution in order to maximize recoveries. These individuals can include officers and directors, attorneys, accountants, appraisers, brokers, or others. Professional liability claims also include direct claims against insurance carriers such as fidelity bond carriers and title insurance companies.

The FDIC follows the policies adopted by the FDIC Board in 1992, Statement Concerning the Responsibilities of Bank Directors and Officers, which can be found at http://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/rules/5000-3300.html#fdic5000statementct, and require Board approval before actions are brought against directors and officers.

Professional liability suits are only pursued if they are both meritorious and cost-effective. Before seeking recoveries from professionals, the FDIC conducts a thorough investigation into the causes of the failure. Most investigations are completed within 18 months from the time the institution is closed. Prior to filing the claim, staff will attempt to settle with the responsible parties. If a settlement cannot be reached, however, a complaint will be filed, typically in federal court.


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