Life insurance, a good way to prepare for the future

At its creation in the life insurance was a contract whereby an insurance company agreed to pay a sum of money, determined to advance to a designated beneficiary upon subscription, if achieving certain events concerning the insured person, such as a death or disability. If this form of life insurance continues.
At its creation in the life insurance was a contract whereby an insurance company agreed to pay a sum of money, determined to advance to a designated beneficiary upon subscription, if achieving certain events concerning the insured person, such as a death or disability. If this form of life insurance continues to exist today under the name life insurance, a new form of life insurance has been established, opening access to taxation in a particularly advantageous and now require, by the insurer, the release of capital saved by the subscriber and increased by a rate-dependent media on which the funds were invested. Although these two types of contracts are generally two distinct forms, some insurers offer the opportunity to enjoy "mixed", capable of providing, at a time, the guarantees provided by insurance death and those obtained by the life insurance.
Can be used by investors to prepare for retirement, life insurance has a specific legal framework governing all aspects of this investment, this applicant, since the signing of the agreement, a number of references to clearly inform the subscriber. It is thus necessary for the insurer to include in its contract, the particulars necessary for identification of the beneficiary, the exact date when the payment of principal or annuity will be held, and the value of over the contract. If, in many respects, the life insurance contract may resemble other commitments, such as deposit accounts, it should be emphasized that the money remains fully available here, and at any time.
Particularly attractive, life insurance policies also differ from other savings products by tax preferences, leading to a fixed withholding tax of 7.50% LibĂ©ratoire only where the subscription has lasted a minimum of eight years and more, well Naturally, social contributions, enabling guests to enjoy an investment the most profitable. The possibility of designating a beneficiary appears, too, as a major advantage of these formulas, since it gives the opportunity to the subscriber, to prepare his estate during his lifetime, and it induces, again, preferential taxation for the heirs, this time, while benefiting from a reduction of € 152,500, the tax levied on the excess capital amounting to 20% then after a second reduction of € 4,600 per year minimum. It is also important to remember that the amounts deposited by the purchaser after the age of 70 are, in turn, reinstated the estate of the latter involving the payment of inheritance tax, after deducting an allowance of € 30 500.
Intending to achieve the dual objective of preparing his retirement and organize his estate, life insurance, coupled with a guarantee death, can enjoy the benefits of these devices and thus provides a particularly effective way to prepare its future and that of his relatives.

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