Update on Chubb fine and suspension: Suspension is stayed pending hearing

On Monday, we called for a $534,000 fine for Chubb & Son and a 9 month suspension of six of its subsidiaries (which would mean that they couldn't write new business; existing policies would remain in force, and renewals could still be done). The companies' attorneys yesterday demanded an adminstrative hearing on both matters. So the suspension, which was slated to take effect Nov. 18, is stayed for now.

In response to some media queries, here's a list of recent enforcement actions we've taken against these companies. All include the same sort of violations -- improper documentation of decisions about rates -- that led to these latest two orders. (All our disciplinary orders, including those for insurers, insurance agents, brokers, etc., are posted online here.)

2000: $67,000 fine for multiple violations, including failure to provide proper documentation for why credits and debits were applied to certain policies. The fine was actually $135,250, but about half ($67,625) was suspended so long as a compliance plan was followed to fix the problems.

2003: The balance of that fine -- $67,625 -- was imposed, after numerous violations continued, despite the compliance plan. From the 2003 order: "The company’s pattern of a continued high rate of filing and other violations are indicative of a systemic problem."

2007: We imposed a $250,000 fine for ongoing violations. Chubb & Son agreed to fully comply with a compliance plan, including multiple self audits, to fix the problems.

2010: We call for a $534,000 fine, based on hundreds of violations. The companies call for a hearing.

2010: Commissioner Kreidler orders a 9-month suspension of six Chubb subsidiaries' ability to sell new coverage. The companies call for a hearing.

Update: The case ended with a consent order that included a significant fine but no suspension. We posted the details here.

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