The Lost Art of Sportsmanship

Bad Examples for Millington Youth

Recently, I was informed that some youth sports officials would no longer accept assignments in Millington. Why?
Bad sportsmanship. Not on the players’ part. It’s the parents!
I was told that police have even been called to two recent Millington matches to separate parents of elementary-aged children. Really?
If the parents cannot or will not teach respect for authority and that winning is not everything, who will? So, for parents who do wish to teach their children the better (and biblical) way, I have compiled three examples. Discuss these with your children at your evening meal:
London Soccer: Leicester was losing 1-0 at half time. One of their players collapsed in the dressing room. Fearing that his life was in danger, the game was called off and the decision made to replay it three weeks later. At the kick-off of the replay the entire Leicester team stood to one side to allow the other team to restore their lead that they had had in the previous game. Leicester did however go on the win the game, and earned the respect of both sets of fans.
World Soccer: In 2000, Paolo di Canio displayed a moment of sportsmanship that was in contrast to other incidents during his career. He found himself in front of an open goal. But, instead of tapping in to score the winning point, di Canio caught the ball and signaled that an opponent was on the ground in writhing pain and needed urgent attention. This act earned him a standing ovation from supporters.

American Women’s Softball: The Western Oregon softball team’s Sara Tucholsky slammed what appeared to be a three-run homer over the centerfield fence, the senior's first in either high school or college. But Tucholsky wrenched her knee severely at first base and collapsed. Umpires ruled that a pinch-runner could replace Tucholsky and run the bases, but the rules said she would be credited with a single and only two runs would count. So, after being assured there was no rule against it, opponent Central Washington first baseman Mallory Holtman and shortstop Liz Wallace carried Tucholsky around the bases, allowing her to touch her good leg to each bases, completing her homer and adding a run to a 4-2 loss that eliminated the Wildcats from postseason.

It cost them the season, but no one regrets it. What do you think?

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