Risk Mitigation - Flu Fix

I know we are at the end of the flu season. However, this is a great time to make some observations and plan for next year.

First, the facts. Each year 36,000 Americans die from the flu. More than 200,000 of us are admitted to the hospital each year because of the flu. The flu costs businesses $16.3 billion each year in lost productivity.

Think about your own company. How many of your coworkers missed work this year by the flu or bad colds?

Here are two things you can do to lessen the impact. First, consider paying for flu shots for your employees. Have a health care provider come to your shop and inoculate any interested employee. If you can keep one employee in twenty from getting sick, you have paid for the program.

Second, encourage regular hand washing by your employees. Experts agree that hand washing is the single most important thing we can do to prevent the spread of colds and flu. Put dispensers of hand sanitizing liquid throughout your operation. Encourage their use. It's almost as good as hand washing and much simpler.

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