Hitting A Deer

A friend had an accident the other night, hit a deer. She's OK.

Insurance can be strange sometimes (alright, more than sometimes).

The personal auto policy includes coverage for collision. There is also coverage for damage to the vehicle caused by "other than collision."

Hitting another car, a tree, a house, a street sign, a boat, or a plane are all collisions. Hitting an animal is not.

This becomes important when you consider the coverage you will buy to cover your car. Some people drop collision coverage when a car reaches 5 model years. Some people keep the less expensive "other than collision" coverage. Some drop both.

Other than collision provides protection for damage by hail, wind, glass breakage, theft, vandals, fire, lightning, falling objects, and contact with a bird or animal.

The word "contact" is important. Successfully swerving to avoid a deer which results in successfully hitting a tree is a collision (with the tree).

Class dismissed.

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