NAEDO: Great, Debit Orders That Enhance Your Collection Success Rates

By Steven Isaacs

Ask not what your business is capable of doing for monthly payment collection, but what efficient, low cost payment collection can do for your business enterprise. One of the efficient, inexpensive payment techniques on the market today is actually a NAEDO or Non-Authenticated Early Debit Order. This payment system brings together the efficacy of debit orders with the smart tracking of credit payments to enhance the likelihood of successful collections and lower fees used on retries and returned debits.

NAEDO debit orders were introduced along with AEDO or Authenticated Early Debit Orders in South Africa in September 2006. These relatively recent payment systems were brought to enhance debit order efficacy by allowing sensible, fair action of a debit order as close to a credit payment (e.g. salary deposit) as possible. AEDO payments are usually linked with pos transactions in which a future dated debit is mandated by pin authentication, with a debit or charge card or bank account for instance. NAEDO debits do not require pin authorization, have got a R5,000.00 per item transaction cap and so are only authorized to generally be submitted on banking accounts.

To get rid of the escalating problem of preferential payment access where some classes of beneficiaries always had use of account holder funds before others the NAEDO as well as its contemporaries were launched. The introduction of new legislation allowed for the phasing out of existing preferential practices getting rid of unfair reduced collection success rates for specific beneficiary classes and establishing an equal arena for everybody. NAEDO's are processed in a random, non-preferential basis, providing every beneficiary or vendor with an equal and fair opportunity to collect payments.

The wonder behind a Non-Authenticated Early Debit Order (NAEDO) is that it is generally enhanced by way of tracking facilities. This suggests the beneficiary or company can stretch the mandated date over a specified period of time allowing the debit order instruction to remain kept active, but unprocessed, until a credit payment is receive in the account. This significantly enhances the creditor's probabilities of collecting.

All looked at, a NAEDO won't give your business an affordable potential for collecting funds, but increases your likelihood to do this by permitting tracking to induce the debit at the most opportune time. In case you are worried about your collection efficiency now might be the time to change to NAEDO.

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