Purchase No Physical Life Insurance For Parents?

By Coyle Moral Graves

It is currently grasped that whenever any person would like to procure life insurance plan, he needs to make a decision rapidly and the younger he is when he gets a life insurance plan, the cheaper the premiums can get. There is a big difference in the cost of premium for life insurance plan between a twenty-year-old father and a fifty-year-old dad. That is why, even though a 60-year-old individual can procure life insurance plan, it would still be useless for him to buy one because that would mean lots of investment on his part. So, what about those parents who are already old? Because it would be a lot of risk and a lot heavier for their pockets to purchase life insurance policy, any of their children can decide to purchase no physical life insurance for parents. They can opt to purchase life insurance policy for themselves and put their parents as their beneficiary or they can purchase life insurance policy in behalf of their parents and put their names as the beneficiaries.

Of course, they can and it is really up to the decision of a particular life insurance policy company if they will accommodate such life insurance policy application or not. Probably, the valid reason why an older parent would like to purchase life insurance policy so his wife and children can get the insured money to use it for his burial expenses in case he dies anytime. But, the premium cost can be very expensive. And since purchasing life insurance coverage for people who are already old is expensive, is there such a thing as children purchasing no physical life insurance for parents? Yes, they can certainly purchase life insurance policy in behalf of their parents and indicate themselves as the beneficiaries.

Is this really precisely true? Is it very possible for anyone to purchase life insurance policy for their parents? Yes, and "yes" is the answer to that. Anybody today can actually purchase no physical life insurance for parents. However, there are some few pointers that any life insurance coverage company would try to discuss with the would-be policy holder. One of the reason is "insurable interest". "Insurable interest" will mean that a person has to prove that he'll actually lose money in case one or both of his parents will pass away. This is to make sure and to prevent most people from getting money out from life insurance coverage on their old parents or even some of their relatives so that they can get profit from that incident. There are actually a lot of people who will purchase life insurance coverage in behalf of their parents and then, they will make up a number of stories about an "accidental death" or death due to natural means or sickness while, in fact, the parent died by suicide or he actually killed his parents so that he can get the money. You may have already heard countless stories about people purchasing life insurance for their parents or even for their older relatives, put their name as beneficiary, then, kill that policy holder and make it look like it's an accidental death or death due to illness and then, gets the insured money.

As an example, a person can claim the as the child of older parents, he will be responsible for their burial and he needs to find $20,000 or bigger for the burial expenses. An individual might also purchase life insurance policy for his mother and father if the parents have substantial amount of personal debt and he will be the one who will be forced to pay those debts in behalf of his dead parents. If they're living with you and giving daily care for your kids, then, you may want to insure for the price of alternative day care. There will always be a lot of various situations to be considered by life insurance policy company to help them decide if they will approve a person to purchase life insurance policy for their parents.

But, there are some people who would wonder if this is a kind of transaction that is legit or not. The simple answer is, yes, it is a legitimate type of transaction. No physical exam life insurance for parents is just as legit as buying life insurance plan for individuals whose receivers are their immediate family members or life insurance plan for people with particular illness or even with crime conviction such as " drunk driving ". What someone or you needs to do is to do a lot of homework first to ensure that the life insurance plan company that you or some individual will decide can give the best benefits at a price that everyone are able to afford.

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