Online Billing And How To Automate Your Direct Debit Batches

By Susan Bapsnill

As a small to medium size business proprietor you have probably dreamt about having your customers order your services and products in a super seamless web-based order process. Part of this streamlined sign up process is the collection of subscription payments via automated no fuss debit order. Unfortunately the debit order fantasy bubble tends to pop for most SME owners when they investigate the fees involved with designing a system like that mentioned above.

The happy idea also begins to turn into a nightmare when you realize that collections for all these accounts as well as billing recon will have to be completed manually. Can you say 100's of hours? This is the reason why most small businesses think this kind of invoicing is not cost effective and won't suit the requirements of their particular flavor of business.

I'm here to tell you that now is the time to look again! Out in the realms of the internet there are a few good individuals who have heard the call of the SME owner and come to their aid with out-the-box billing and online invoicing services that not only automates your invoicing, but submits and automates debit order payments. This is a very new field, so most software are still untested, but there are a few tried and tested market leaders that are completely worth using.

Thetype of person that wants to use a service like this is open minded, tech smart, but no geek and willing to make a serious change in the way they make money.SME's that offer annual subscriptions to a product or give clients the ability to pay off a big purchase on a monthly basis will gravitate towards this kind of full service software; allowing them to generate invoices, collect debit orders and reconcile accounts all with the smallest amount of billing staff conceivable.

Debit order facilities are the most cost effective ways of collecting payments from clients. With direct debits it is possible to effect payment from your debtor on your terms. You may even monitor their account for a specific amount of days to watch for incoming funds. In conjunction with a good billing system, debit order can be an amazing payment collection method in ensuring the best possible cash flow for your company.

So let's leave those co-ordination problems in the past. Get online and locate a great online billing and payment collection and automation service now. It's as hassle-free as conducting a search for "web-based billing".

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