Job openings: Actuary, financial examiner, analyst, technician, receptionist

Due to retirements, a promotion, etc., we have several jobs that we're looking to fill. It's been quite a while since we've had this many openings.

The jobs are listed below, along with a few highlights. For the official job listing and specifics, including duties, salaries, required qualifications, etc., please click on each job's link below. Application deadlines vary -- these are listed under each job description -- but the earliest is next Monday.

Actuary: We're looking for someone to review health and disability insurance rate filings submitted by insurance carriers to our office. This person will also provide assistance to our company supervision division's work, which includes analysis of the finances of insurers, holding companies and other entities.

Financial examiner: These positions work out of our office in downtown Seattle. Among other duties, our examiners audit the operation of insurers.

Analyst: We're looking for a life- and health insurance compliance analyst to work in our consumer protection division, which is located in our main building in Tumwater. The job involves helping consumers with insurance questions, problems and complaints.

Insurance technician: This position involves answering consumer hotline calls and routing them to staff in various divisions, including agent/broker licensing and consumer advocacy. It also entails some IT support work.

Office assistant: This person will provide receptionist services and first-line help to phone and walk-in customers, as well as a variety of complex clerical duties.

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