Workers' Compensation Classifications - Using The Clerical Code

Reader Question

Hi Mr. Simmonds,

I have a random question, which I'm not sure if you can answer or not. Our organization is a non profit that does pre-school, after school, and summer camp programs as well as helps out the community with a local food pantry.

We recently received our workmen comp. bill, and they now have the entire staff listed as code 8868 Daycare Provider. The broker claims the auditor used a classification that reads, "a day care operation must include clerical" and cannot be broken out seperately. Previously we had the office / clerical staff (located in a completely separate building) listed under it's own classification. From reading your material online, we (clerical / admin) should be coded as 8810. I would gather it would be the same as an organization such as the Boys & Girls Club. Am I wrong here?

My Reply:

I suggest you ask the agent for a copy of the complete definition of the classification the auditor is using - sometimes called the SCOPES definition.

That will tell you if you can use the clerical code or not. There are some codes that do not allow the standard exceptions of clerical, drivers, and sales.

Best of luck.

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