Drinkers face life insurance hike

Middle class drinkers who consume more than their recommended weekly intake of alcohol face paying higher life insurance premiums.

Very heavy drinkers could be refused life insurance cover completely Photo: IAN JONES

New rules mean even moderate drinkers who consume a little and often - by drinking a glass or two of wine in the evening or with food - could be hit with higher costs.

The changes are likely to hit middle-aged, middle class consumers, particularly women, experts said.

Official guidelines say women should drink no more than 14 units of alcohol a week, and men 21 units – with one unit equivalent to half a pint of beer, a shot of whisky or a small glass of wine.

But the reality shows that many drink far more, with 10 million adults – 20 per cent of men and 30 per cent of women - drinking at a level which is "hazardous" to their health.

Insurers say they are reacting to increases in health-related problems such as cirrhosis of the liver, heart problems and certain cancers.

A woman who drinks 21 units a week, not far above the Government's guidelines, could end up paying an extra £50 a year.

A man drinking 35 units, equivalent to two and a half pints of lager a night, could pay extra premiums of up to £100 a year.

And a man who admitted consuming 50 units a week could see his premiums double from £150 to £300 because his drinking would be categorised as "harmful".

Very heavy drinkers could be refused cover completely.

Most life insurance firms are now checking doctors' notes for signs of alcohol use in order to make sure claimants are not lying about their alcohol use.

Several companies admit refusing to pay out claims if they have evidence that they were drink-related.

Companies including the AA, Norwich Union, Legal and General and Direct Line said they will increase premiums for drinkers.

A spokesman for the AA said: "Heavy drinkers are more likely to suffer from liver disease, high blood pressure and strokes. They are also more likely to have an accident, possibly fall into the road, and they are more likely to be involved in a fight."

Malcolm Tarling of the Association of British Insurers said: "Insurance companies are simply making a normal judgment of risk.'"

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