Life insurance benefits


With the stock market in turmoil, Frank Woodruff, CEO of Sapient Financial Group, finds himself fielding calls from clients worried about their investments daily. Those who have whole life insurance in their mix are relieved that they purchased the high-priced product.

Now clients that shunned whole life years ago because other products offered better returns are looking at the product as stable and predictable — although costs haven’t come down.

“Whole life insurance is an incredibly solid investment,” says Woodruff. “But, back in the ’90s, when the tech stocks were going through the roof, whole life was the whipping boy, because it wasn’t providing as high of a return on investment as some of the riskier investments. Now, whole life is the ‘golden nugget,’” he adds.

Whole life is an insurance policy designed to be a cash reserve that builds up against the death benefit. Policy owners can even borrow against the cash value to help with temporary needs — such as college expenses. The policy’s cash value increases regardless of the performance of the insurance company. The policy also credits interest to the cash value of the account — sometimes resulting in dividends paid to the policy owner. Whole life insurance policies are tax-deferred, and upon maturity of the whole-life policy contract (usually at age 95 or 100), the cash value equals the death benefit.

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