Genetic Tests Banned For Life Insurance Customers

Life Insurance companies have been told that they must not determine the amount of cover a person is eligible for using data from genetic tests. The ban came into effect in 2001 but will be applicable to all life insurance sales until it is reviewed in 2011 and will officially last until 2014.

Regardless of a customer’s genetic make-up and their family’s history of hereditary conditions such as cancer, insurers are banned from using this information to effect the price of people’s insurance policies. “The moratorium on the use of predictive genetic test results works well for consumers.” The Director General at the Association of British Insurers told the UK press.

“It means people can insure themselves and their families, even if they have had an adverse result from a predictive genetic test. The moratorium has proved effective since its introduction in 2001 and can now continue.” The only tests which the insurance industry can use to determine policy fees are those sanctioned by the British Government.

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