Life Insurance Myth #3: Life insurance is unnecessary for elderly

A few decades ago being older is meant "more than 50". But many people need life insurance at 50, 55, 60 or 65. Age is not always a reason to forgo life insurance. Even the so-called "old" people should, because they need income protection for their survivors if the head of household or primary caregivers die prematurely. People in their 50's and 60 (and sometimes into their 70s) are often in their peak earnings moments and have large family responsibilities.
You can give your family time to adjust to your death without having to change their usual standards. Today, many more people in their 50's and 60 are continue to support young children. If a woman has a child when she was 40 or 42, that the child will still in college when her mother is 60 years old. Or let's suppose you have a non-working spouses and you die at the age of 60 years, he or she may not be able to find a decent job that provides an income comparable to keep the same standard of living.
Many elderly people actually need more life insurance for a number of reasons:
  • You may have less time to compensate for the loss of revenue.
  • You may find that inflation has cut into the value of police insurance.
  • You have a greater need for estate planning that you are older because you have less time to carry out your plan.
  • You have a greater need for tax planning as you age because you are very likely to earn more, and life insurance
  • It can play a significant role in your tax planning.

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