Market Solution To Health Insurance Mess

Here's my letter to the editor published in today's Portland (Maine) Press Herald:

It was announced recently that California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has come up with a new health-insurance plan for his state that is as bad as any proposed so far.
It may be worse than the plan that our own Gov. Baldacci has been selling us.
The health-care payment problem in this country will not be solved by falling back on the failed policies of central control.

Mandated coverage, payment limitations and forced insurance purchases by employers will only lead to less competition, shortages, higher costs and poorer service -- just as all socialistic policies do.
The free marketplace that makes our economy great is the only hope for our health-care system. It's no accident that the most widely regulated part of our economy is also the quarter of most trouble.
Walk into any office of the Department of Motor Vehicles to see what health care under more government control or a single-payer system will be like.

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