Cheap Car Insurance for New Driver – Six Ways to Save Money

By Elizabeth Newberry

If you’re a new driver, there’s good news. Your new privilege doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg in insurance costs. There are ways to get cheap car insurance for new drivers. Check out these tips.

1. Shop around. You will hear this time and time again, but it really is in your best interest to look at and compare the policies and rates of several different auto insurance companies.

2. Once you choose an insurance company, talk with your agent about any discounts that the company may offer. Just because you are a new driver does not mean you have to be exempt from certain discounts.

3. Choose a safe, inexpensive car to drive. It is very tempting to purchase a fast, flashy, and expensive vehicle, especially for new drivers who want to turn heads, but these types of vehicles usually result in higher insurance costs.

4. Consider taking a driver education course. Many insurance companies will recognize your effort to educate yourself on the importance of safe driving and may even offer discounts. Before you enroll, talk with your insurance agent about such options.

5. If you are a teen driver still in school, make sure to keep your grades up. Many insurance companies reward teen drivers for good grades with lower insurance costs. Also enroll in a driver education course, especially if your school offers one.

6. Practice safe driving. This means, no alcohol or other drugs and no speeding or otherwise reckless driving. Not only could this help lower your insurance costs now, but clean driving records almost always lower insurance costs in the future.

Remember, driving is a nice privilege, but it also brings many responsibilities along with it. By taking these six tips into consideration, not only are you acting responsibly by helping yourself and your parents save money, but you’re also helping keep yourself and others safe on the road.

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Auto Insurance Specialists

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