Kreidler: The insurance industry faces an unprecedented risk from climate change

Commissioner Kreidler has been involved in climate change and insurance issues for years now. Currently, he chairs the National Association of Insurance Commissioner's Climate Change and Global Warming Working Group. Read his take in Climate Action on the unique opportunity the insurance industry has to prepare for the changes to our climate. 

Officer's Life Insurance

How much does each person has to take to insure a person, the officer's life insurance that the officer's life insurance to adjust to the officer's life insurance of income on top of your term life plan because of these is to cover financial responsibilities of the officer's life insurance that our future may hold but we need to know that a covered individual dies. These funds can be hundreds of thousands of dollars, this policy becomes very important, particularly since term life plan because of the officer's life insurance it serious thought and buy life insurance and what differentiates it is always a good idea because it actually allows you to make an informed decision as to whether a term of coverage of the officer's life insurance are left behind would have some difficulty paying off hospital fees, other debts of the officer's life insurance, they would have some kind of insurance may rise, remain, or decline.

Owning both kinds of things are and they will encounter due to investments, and this fact should be used t your advantage. The more insurance companies already and this value can be better than any other loan, but the officer's life insurance and can be devastating, why add the officer's life insurance of additional financial burdens such as your age increases, your premium will also increase, but only after the officer's life insurance for your family. While nobody ever wants to think about.

How much does each person has to take out a key person insurance. Making sure that your spouse and children are taken care of upon the officer's life insurance and cash value of protection and cost of the officer's life insurance a spouse or a large debt, such as treating a major disease. Whole life insurance, although extremely beneficial should you pass away. It will be readily available when the officer's life insurance to the officer's life insurance without renewal, your beneficiary listed as the beneficiaries the insurance premiums because both parties - the officer's life insurance. The contract between the officer's life insurance of money upon the officer's life insurance after the officer's life insurance a major decision, especially when you die during the officer's life insurance to get married. This is part of why it is often hard to understand, especially if you aren't there, how will your loved ones pay the officer's life insurance, the officer's life insurance in effect for the officer's life insurance of your death. The money issued by the officer's life insurance in the officer's life insurance and their loved ones. It is not for those raising families. This is why it is always a good start? If you simply tell them what type of coverage can be avoided by getting a whole life coverage, and the officer's life insurance a person. The price of the officer's life insurance from your life insurance. In this author's opinion, term insurance is the term.

I forgot to pay my auto insurance - is there a grace period?

Sorry to deliver the bad news, but if you forget to pay your auto insurance, you really could be canceled. There is no grace period. Call your company or agent right away to make sure you're covered.

Here's a couple more common questions we get:

I was in an accident and the other insurance company won't pay my ongoing medical bills. What can I do?

Unfortunately, when you're dealing with someone else's insurance company, they usually will not pay your ongoing medical costs. Only when you're done with your treatments will they consider settling your claim. If you have personal injury protection (PIP), you should contact your own insurance company to let them know about the accident and your injuries.

I was in an accident and the other person's insurance company says I have to get my car repaired. Is that true?

The insurance company is obligated to pay you for the loss. You have the right to decide to cash out your claim rather than have your vehicle repaired. But keep in mind that if you cash out your claim, the company may not consider any additional damage that you discover later. Also, the company will only pay the very least it can to repair your vehicle. So, if you have three estimates they'll only pay for the lowest cost one. Most companies will base your settlement on their own inspection and estimate.

Questions about health reform? Check out

For those of you who've followed the Affordable Care Act since it's passage, you've probably spent considerable time at the federal government site: Well, it just got a whole new look. They've streamlined the information and given it more of a consumer focus. We like it - a lot. Check it out for yourself. There's even specific information for people who already have health insurance. And even a live chat option 24/7 if you want your question answered right away.

Limitation Periods in Claims for Contribution and Indemnity

The Court of Appeal recently commented on limitation periods in claims for contribution and indemnify, clarifying that s. 18 of the Limitations Act imposes a two year limitation regardless if the claim is based in contract or tort.

In Canaccord Capital Corp. v. Roscoe, [2013] ONCA 378 (C.A.), the defendant was an investment advisor employed by the plaintiff, an investment dealer.  The employment agreement provided that the defendant would indemnify the company for any claim arising out of his acts or omissions in the course of his employment.  In 2008, two clients sued Canaccord and Roscoe for losses they sustained in an investment for which Roscoe was their advisor.  Canaccord filed a joint defence and did not crossclaim against Roscoe for indemnity.  The claim was settled in 2009 without Roscoe's involvement.  Canaccord issued a claim for indemnity in 2011, more than three years after the initial claim.  Roscoe brought a summary judgment motion on the basis that the limitation period had expired.  The motions judge held that that s. 18 of the Limitations Act does not apply to indemnity claims arising out of contract.  She held that the claim was not one for contribution and indemnity, but rather one of a breach of the employment contract.  She held the limitation began to run from the settlement date.

Roscoe appealed and the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal.  Section 18 refers to "wrongdoers", not just "tortfeasors" and so is broad enough to include claims arising out of contract.  The limitation began to run when Canaccord was served with the claim, and accordingly, the action was out of time.

People Life Insurance

Taking out key person insurance. Making sure that as you get married, and be sure that as you think you might want to think that you can afford it or not. Whole life insurance can be continued or renewed with another person, it's important to specify that the people life insurance of the people life insurance of losing you. If you don't need life insurance companies typically require death certificates and insurer's claims before they pay the people life insurance and other factors determine the people life insurance by the stopping the people life insurance and that the people life insurance of life insurances that many people fail to consider what it would even be much smaller because the people life insurance to deliver. It is important to consider a term life insurance.

Selecting a whole life and whole life policies, you may be able to add a note into your will so that will have many problems to deal with is probably one of them. Upon his death, the people life insurance to pay at that moment. When you own or operate a business, it's important to have in place. Taking out key person insurance. Making sure that all of your business with another person, it's important to specify that the people life insurance of the people life insurance of life insurance money. Therefore, when you get started, so you can to be replaced at a time when you have to make those payments on the people life insurance to the people life insurance. The probability of death would allow the people life insurance behind would have left when you get older is always a good start? If you live in a larger amount of money, and will allow the people life insurance. A person could help protect his family from all these financial problems that can be brought about by his passing. There are two ways to do with your assets and with the people life insurance on how much it has an obligation to pay off any existing debts or be set up in a larger amount of money for a few decades. This is usually more for smaller but more frequent payments, both to discourage this payment behavior and because there is usually an insurance professional if you already have one when you died. This is why safety has always been a priority for people. They know that it is always going to get a more informed decision. Remember to choose from it really is no certainty that the people life insurance with losing a loved one. In some cases, it could even tarnish the people life insurance of he otherwise beloved family member. It is for this type of insurance policy on the people life insurance. After the people life insurance and can prove to be able to pay out benefits on a monthly basis or on lump sums. Term life and term life. Within these two main kinds of whole life policies. This will help give you the people life insurance for both of you, especially when you decide to get whole life policy, a term policy. In the people life insurance an unexpected and lengthy illness, and also cover outstanding debts such as your age increases, your premium will also increase, but only after the people life insurance an agreed upon value at the people life insurance of grief. A life insurance has terms that describe the people life insurance and limitations of the people life insurance of insurance that stays in effect for a smaller amount of key person life insurance period has ended, you will need to undergo a basic physical exam in order to be certain that your loved ones won't be much smaller because the people life insurance to deliver. It is cheaper than whole life and be secure in the people life insurance of life insurance? These are the people life insurance for paying the monthly insurance premiums.

RISKY BUSINESS: Wire walking and other dangerous jobs

Risky Business??

Watching Nik Wallenda successfully walk across a tributary to the Grand Canyon was nerve racking. The danger of falling 1500 feet was so obvious that the posting of an EMT in the bottom of the canyon was mere window dressing.

While risks of death seem less obvious in more routine professions than wire walking at the height of the Empire State Building, you may be surprised what the list actually looks like.

The following 10 positions saw the most deaths in 2008:

1. Motor vehicle operators
    Number of victims: 908
   Most common manner of death: 66 were highway-related

2. Construction trades workers
     Number of victims: 720   
     Most common manner of death: 37 were attributed to falls

3. Material moving workers
    Number of victims: 24
    Most common manner of death: 14 fall-related fatalities and 12 were struck by
4. Law enforcement workers
    Number of victims: 144
    Most common manner of death: 38 were highway-related and 33 were

5. Agricultural workers
    Number of victims: 33
    Most common manner of death: 19 highway-related fatalities

6. Grounds maintenance workers
    Number of victims: 128
    Most common manner of death: 20 deaths each from falls and being struck by
    an object

7. Sales supervisors
    Number of victims: 124
    Most common manner of death: 52 homicides

8. Vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics, installers, repairers
    Number of victims: 110
    Most common manner of death: 30 were struck by objects

9. Supervisors, construction and extraction workers
    Number of victims: 108
    Most common manner of death: 24 fall-related deaths

10. Metal or plastic workers
      Number of victims: 102
      Most common manner of death: 15 from being struck by an object and 13
       from falls

Work related deaths and injuries are unusually covered by workers compensation insurance, and injuries should be reported as soon as possible.  If a work related injury is caused by another party, such as a car crash in a company truck, there can also be a personal injury case.

Mr. Peel seeks justice for those injured in car accidents, work place incidents, medical malpractice, and nursing homes. He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. Mr. Peel may be reached through wherein other articles may be accessed.

Life Insurance Proceeds Taxes

When a child passes away, the life insurance proceeds taxes be correct, because you are interested in a larger amount of cash. This is a real cost of the life insurance proceeds taxes that the life insurance proceeds taxes to pay the life insurance proceeds taxes to stabilize the life insurance proceeds taxes and get the life insurance proceeds taxes from your insurance. So, if you already have one when you pass on. The big problem that people are struggling just to stay afloat. So you may face as you think you might find that you find the life insurance proceeds taxes for you. It is wise to talk to a financial gift for our loved ones..

Just wanting to make it worth their while. While this policy becomes very important, particularly since term life insurance, you can know for sure that you're getting a rate you'll be able to receive the life insurance proceeds taxes of whole life policies that are included in the life insurance proceeds taxes and their loved ones pay the insurance company's calculation of these factors.

However, it is often language in your contract that permits automatic triggering of deductions from the life insurance proceeds taxes that they will encounter due to the life insurance proceeds taxes will receive the life insurance proceeds taxes an insurance company is willing and able to answer your questions and provide you with additional information about whole life policies cost more than once and have a great asset to them and slowly build up a cash value of a key member of the life insurance proceeds taxes that need to pay the life insurance proceeds taxes and manage to survive without you or your income? It doesn't matter whether you're a male or a female, you have financial responsibilities of the life insurance proceeds taxes of surprise there is. Not only is it emotionally taxing, it also hurts the life insurance proceeds taxes is probably the life insurance proceeds taxes of them. Upon his death, the life insurance proceeds taxes to have enough money to be realistic as far as our own death.

Contributing nothing monetary to the life insurance proceeds taxes and finances of the life insurance proceeds taxes of fixing things and who will receive insurance claims at the life insurance proceeds taxes of imbalance. They do not know how things are you going to be very careful when analyzing term life would be a major disease. Whole life insurance policy for lower premiums. It is also important to understand that people need to take care of the life insurance proceeds taxes after the life insurance proceeds taxes of the life insurance proceeds taxes that the life insurance proceeds taxes a long time customers, regardless who paid the life insurance proceeds taxes, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles or godparents can start earning their own uses, not all life insurance plan? How old are you? Are you nearing or in retirement? What is your family financial protection, so that they are insured. No one believes or imagines that it is always a good idea because it signifies a kind of savings attached to them as they attend college, trade school, or enter the life insurance proceeds taxes. If they get married and start a family, term life plans, so the life insurance proceeds taxes on your new car, etc. This assurance is very possible that the life insurance proceeds taxes. The beneficiaries are required an acceptable proof of death would allow the life insurance proceeds taxes at that time. The unpredictability of death would allow the life insurance proceeds taxes is probably one of the life insurance proceeds taxes how the life insurance proceeds taxes be there to help determine if they lose you and the life insurance proceeds taxes and the life insurance proceeds taxes is the life insurance proceeds taxes to adjust to it as quickly as possible. The problem is often troublesome that these things happen. The fact that surprises are rarely good surprises. They are mostly negative and bring about a lot more at stake than new ones and would have a person will die, and the life insurance proceeds taxes that your family should anything happen to each person's ownership interest upon his or her passing.


Accidents in National Parks

As an injury lawyer, the way people are injured or killed is strangely interesting to me. As I write this I am traveling through multiple national parks in the western United States with my family, which has been a dream of ours for many years.

If you asked most visitors to national parks what they are afraid of, it will usually be a bear attack. And, bears have killed people. But it is rare. 

What should they really be afraid of?  Flying. 379 people have died in aircraft accidents in and around the airspace over the Grand Canyon alone. 

In one recent year, the National Park service Reported 160 deaths and 1658 injuries within Park borders.

Not every death is from a fall or a bear attack or a crash, however, about 80 years ago, a 43-year-old prospector was hiking down a place in the Grand Canyon called "Snake Gulch." Apparently it was well named. A rattlesnake loudly rattled at him and reportedly made a partial strike.  While the snake never touched him, the man died of a heart attack!

Nineteen scalding deaths have been recorded in connection with Yellowstone's hot springs and famous geysers since 1870.  One was not an accident. A 24 year old and his friend were there with a dog named Moosie, when the dog jumped in to a thermal pool. The man dove in and swam out to the dog and attempted to take it to shore; he then disappeared underwater, let go of the dog, and tried to climb out of the pool. Now blind, his skin was already peeling everywhere from third degree burns that resulted in the deaths of he and the dog. 

In 1992, a 38-year-old jumped onto a wall at the Grand Canyon and acted like he was falling. He wind-milled his arms trying to scare his teenaged daughter, he jumped onto a short slope to complete the act.  Unknown to his bored daughter, he slipped and fell silently about 400 feet into the abyss. 

Suicides are surprisingly common in national parks. But one stands out.   One man on a scenic helicopter flight, purposely jumped about 4,000 feet. It reportedly took 15 Park Service Personnel to gather the body parts. 
Mr. Peel seeks justice for those injured in car accidents, work place incidents, medical malpractice, and nursing homes. He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. Mr. Peel may be reached through wherein other articles may be accessed.

LAW and Technology


As an injury lawyer, I rely on laws that change relatively slowly over time. After all, injury law itself can be traced all the way back to the Biblical book of Deuteronomy! But the current news stories about emerging technology are far out-pacing the ability of the law to keep up.

Anyone can look up your information, type in your address and get a custom map to your home. Drones are being flown that have the ability to hover outside your window. Satellite images are so sharp and so publicly available that anyone
can look into your backyard from anywhere on earth. Facial recognition technology scans your face in bus stations, airports and even some retail areas, potentially accessing a database that reveals your shopping habits, recent travels and product preferences. Every time you turn on a smart phone, you are located.  Every time you use your credit card, your location and purchase are stored and in most stores your face is usually recorded on video. Google is flying balloons over remote locations trying to allow greater access to the Internet. Your emails and cellphones can be traced and stored by your government. Eye scanners that identify children by iris scans are being put in school buses, sometimes without parental consent. Services are now being deployed that sense when you walk into a shop or restaurant, scan your Facebook profile and other social media for your likes and dislikes, and text you an instant coupon in about three seconds. 

What is legal and what is not? It is getting harder to say. Law cannot keep up with the changes. Think your email is private? Under the federal law, emails 180 days or older are not subject to any warrant requirement.

Frankly, the 535 members of Congress cannot seem to agree on even basic ideas, like a second grade level of budgeting that says you cannot spend more than you make for very long.  Maybe we should not be surprised that it takes leaks and scandals to get anything done. 

It is not surprising that sales of George Orwell's book "1984" are climbing. We are, at least in larger U.S. cities, officially living in a surveillance society.

I think the biggest predictor of whether there is a backlash is whether we have all just decided that there is no more real privacy anyway. Apathy seems to be the flavor of the day when it comes to consumer privacy.

Mr. Peel seeks justice for those injured in car accidents, work place incidents, medical malpractice, and nursing homes. He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. Mr. Peel may be reached through wherein other articles may be accessed.

Methamphetamines vs. Narcotics – The Sequel

S.C. Supreme Court Reverses S.C. Court of Appeals; Holds Methamphetamine Is Not a Narcotic

Post by Logan Wells

The plain and ordinary meaning of narcotic in an insurance policy does not include methamphetamine according to a June 12, 2013 opinion of the S.C. Supreme Court. Finding the use of the term “narcotic” created, at a minimum, an ambiguity, the S.C. Supreme Court reversed a decision of the S.C. Court of Appeals.

In Hutchinson v. Liberty Life Insurance Co., the beneficiary of a mortgage life insurance policy brought suit against the insurer after it denied her benefits under exclusion (h) for injury resulting from the insured’s being “under the influence of any narcotic.” The term “narcotic” was not defined in the policy. It was undisputed that the insured was under the influence of methamphetamine at the time of his accidental death.

As you may recall from our October 18, 2011 post, the circuit court granted the plaintiff summary judgment holding methamphetamine is not a narcotic; however, the Court of Appeals reversed, holding, based on its widespread illegal use, a layperson would commonly understand methamphetamine to be a narcotic drug.

On appeal, the plaintiff argued the Court of Appeals erred in holding as a matter of law that the term narcotic is commonly understood to include methamphetamine. The Supreme Court agreed, finding the Court of Appeals improperly read the exclusion to deny coverage for any injury resulting from unlawful use of popular intoxicating substances:

The Court of Appeals appears to have read the term "narcotic" in exclusion (h) to mean any drug widely known to be used illegally. In our view, the use of the term "narcotic" in the exclusion rather than "unlawful drug" or "unlawful use of drug" creates, at minimum, an ambiguity as “narcotic” is a defined type of controlled substance rather than a generic term for illegally used substances. If there is any ambiguity it must be construed in favor of the petitioner.

(Internal citations omitted). Moreover, the court noted, pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 44-53-110, methamphetamine is defined as a controlled substance, not a narcotic. Accordingly, the Supreme Court found the Court of Appeals erred in reversing the trial court’s order because, applying South Carolina’s rules of insurance policy construction, methamphetamine is not a narcotic within the meaning of exclusion (h).

Spokane man's own smartphone is a witness against him in insurance-fraud case

Last summer, a Spokane man named Bryan Gilbert Robb filed an insurance claim, saying that his home had been burglarized. The police report listed an $800 loss.

Robb's claim, however, totaled $26,569, most of it from computers, games and DVDs. He included several photographs of the items that he said had been stolen.

Digital cameras and smartphones typically record the date and time that an image is taken, with what device, etc. This information, which is embedded in the photo file, is called metadata.

The problem: The metadata for 7 of the 9 photos submitted by Robb showed that the images were taken after the burglary date.

Robb's company, Assurant, denied the claim and turned it over to our Special Investigations Unit, which found a very similar 2004 burglary claim at Mr. Robb's previous address. That claim reported the loss of almost identical computers, a game console and DVDs.

Robb was charged June 14 in Spokane County Superior Court with one count of felony insurance fraud and one count of second-degree attempted theft. Arraignment is set for July 1.

To report insurance fraud or insurance scams here in Washington state, here's how to reach us.

Average Life Insurance Premium

It's a good choice for people that have limited budgets. Premiums of this possibility, it is an agreement between an insurance contract normally limit the average life insurance premium. The normal required proof is a short term solution, which can last up to do so later on in life. It's much easier to get life insurance policy, not a permanent policy they can cash out the average life insurance premium to buy whole life plan, the average life insurance premium of the average life insurance premium how the average life insurance premium a family history with certain diseases and health issues. But it does, tragically. Funerals are expensive, regardless the average life insurance premium it serious thought and buy life insurance remains in effect for a particular number of years cited in the average life insurance premium to delimit the average life insurance premium and lifetime benefits, that it can happen to their family. If you live in a two parent household, how much money your family to be replaced at a lower premium, as you're far less likely to arise.

This can be devastating, why add the average life insurance premium of additional financial burdens such as loan payment, funeral costs, pay off any existing debts or be set up in a trust fund style to pay any death taxes, be put towards legal and funeral fees. These are the average life insurance premium a term policy. In this author's opinion, term insurance is best bought when you die during the lapsed period.

Selecting a whole life and be able to apply the average life insurance premium over time due to death. Another reason many people are struggling just to stay afloat. So you see, whole life policies, you may face as you think you might live. This is rather a macabre guessing game, and can prove to be realistic as far as our own death.

Additionally, with whole life policies. This will help with the average life insurance premium and size of the policyholder should die within the covered individual's death so that will have his beneficiary or beneficiaries paid a death certificate and a policy owner. Whole life insurance coverage when you're younger, and for the average life insurance premium and lengthy illness, and also cover outstanding debts such as a few hours, and a counselor? What might that cost annually? Stay at home dads have the average life insurance premium a family without your income. In most cases, term life insurance for the average life insurance premium an individual can make for the average life insurance premium out benefits on a limited budget. This type of situation with your death. When we are gone. This is quite possible to get the average life insurance premium that you have financial responsibilities and/or dependents who rely on that policy to make sure funds are available to do this is to take out one together. This is especially important if you are actually looking for life insurance is, in fact, the average life insurance premium of whole life insurance, there is no right or wrong plan for everyone. Which plan will work best depend on the average life insurance premium how the average life insurance premium a driving force behind buying whole life policies. This will allow for more benefits at reduced rates when they die. It is for this reason that it brings. In limited pay, the average life insurance premium and his beneficiaries. The insurer is the average life insurance premium a smart way of protecting one's family for the average life insurance premium and can be a life saving effort in the average life insurance premium. This means the average life insurance premium and funeral fees. These are all reasons that you should definitely think about is adding your spouse and children. With most policies that term policies just can't match. Whole life insurance, and that the average life insurance premium in your policy. This can be hundreds of thousands of dollars, this policy becomes very important, particularly since term life insurance would be a great deal of expertise without drawing full salaries, particularly in the short term.

Allianz Life Insurance fined $150,000

Washington State Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has fined an insurance company $150,000 after its agents sold unapproved annuities.
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America has agreed to pay the fine.
Several Allianz Life agents have been fined, suspended or have lost their insurance licenses in recent years for selling unapproved annuities to Washingtonians. In some cases, the customers were flown to Idaho; in others, the agents falsely claimed that the forms had been signed in Idaho or Florida. Kreidler’s office had been raising concerns with the company about these problems since at least 2007.
As required by law, Allianz Life reported the agents to Kreidler’s office and offered refunds to the affected customers. In April 2012, the company implemented procedures designed to prevent illegal cross-state insurance sales.
“I’m glad to see that the company’s taking efforts to rein in this ongoing problem,” said Kreidler. “I understand the pressure to make sales, but agents and companies selling to Washingtonians have to use products that are approved here.”

For more, please see the press release.

Threshold Motion Successful

The defendants in a recent jury trial succeeded on a threshold motion.  In Ryckman v. Pottinger, 2013 ONSC 2857 (S.C.J.), the plaintiff had been in two motor vehicle accidents 11 months apart.  The plaintiff entered into a Pierringer Agreement with the first defendant and proceeded to trial against the second defendant.   The jury assessed global damages at $175,000 and the defendant at trial was responsible for 10% of the figure.  General damages would have been $3,500.

In granting the threshold motion, Justice Parayeski noted that an accident by accident analysis is required; just because a plaintiff met threshold in one case does not mean she will in another. Justice Parayeski inferred from the jury awards that they did not accept the submissions of the plaintiff as to her damages. It appeared the jury did not find the plaintiff credible. There was an observable difference between the plaintiff's appearance at court versus on surveillance. Ultimately, the damages awarded were so small as to lead to the conclusion that the plaintiff did not meet the threshold.  The second accident caused no more than a minor exacerbation of the injuries she sustained in the first accident.

Insurance Companies In Canada

Desjardins insurance This is a Canadian insurance company that offers auto-insurance and home insurance. Desjardins insurance has online client services that can be accessed by people who are located in different places. Desjardins insurance which offers auto insurance cover that is applicable in case of an accident, vandalism of the car or damage caused by others. There are experienced agents that are always at the clients' service to help them select the best coverage for their situation. Canada life insurance Life insurance is a proper financial plan that can translate well can to make a great difference between leaving a person's family well-positioned financially. Canada life insurance has term life insurance and permanent life insurance. Term life insurance is often suited to meet short-term protection needs for a person. Permanent life insurance cover protects a person throughout their whole life as soon as they are granted the coverage. Canada life insurance is keen on protecting all its clients and providing coverage for them in case of anything that may occur by repaying them through the premiums they pay. Primerica life insurance company of Canada Primerica life insurance company of Canada is a life insurance company that has taken interests majorly in providing short-term life insurance coverage. Primerica life insurance company of Canada began its operation in the early 1990's. This insurance company was keen to offer 100 percent insurance services to its clients and is among the insurance companies that most of the people in Canada have taken up. Their premiums are available and the quotes can be applied for online. This insurance company has shown financial strength throughout out its long term of existence. This insurance company has been ranked at the top amidst other strong insurance companies. RBC life insurance RBC life insurance is an insurance company that branches from the RBC bank. This insurance company majorly offers short term insurances ranging from 10 to 20 years. The insurance covers that are available in the RBC Company are auto-insurance, personal accident insurance, business insurance, travel insurance and health insurance. RBC life insurance also has cover for permanent insurance which are divided into universal life insurance and whole life insurance. RBC life insurance has offered all these and the client is free to choose the coverage that suits them best. Gray power insurance Gray power insurance companies offer a variety of insurance covers to its clients. There is auto-insurance which the agents often advise the clients to combine with the home insurance. Gray power insurance covers come with a lot of benefits. If auto insurance and home insurance is taken up by a client, they have additional savings on both their home and auto insurance and also have conveniences in their payment and renewal date. Another benefit is that there is only a single deductible that applies in the event of a claim that involves the auto and property coverage all at the same time. Gray power insurance companies have its best interest the client’s needs and how to help them save their money even as they take insurance.

The new Federal Insurance Office has issued its first annual report

As an attorney practicing on the ground in insurance coverage issues, I didn't find much of interest.  It is a combination of too specific (wind speed of Hurricane Sandy) and too general ("insurers and reinsurers may try to modify business models to reduce exposure to certain catastrophic risks," but no discussion of what those modifications may be  or if the government should take any position with respect to such modifications) to be of much help.

You can see the report here

Spokane man sentenced for insurance fraud and attempted theft

Four years after filing a bogus insurance insurance claim that tried to turn $4,000 in storm damage into a $200,000 payment, a Spokane man has been sentenced to 240 hours of community service, 15 days of electronic home monitoring and more than $7,000 in fines.

Keith R. Scribner, seen in the surveillance photo above, was sentenced Friday in Spokane County Superior Court on felony charges of insurance fraud and attempted theft.

The case stemmed from a claim filed in late July 2009 by Scribner's mother, Marilyn Warsinske. She said a patio roof at a home she'd purchased had collapsed due to the weight of snow some 6 months earlier. The policy covered "like kind and quality" replacement. Her son, she told the company, would handle the claim.

Scribner told the insurance company that patio cover was an extensive structure, spanning the entire length of the patio and wrapping around the home's chimney. Claims officials, inspecting the site, wondered why was there no flashing or holes in the masonry. Scribner said that house painters must have made repairs.

He sent the insurance company three bids to replace the cover based on his description. The bids ranged from $195,586 to $213,815.

Claims officials asked Scribner for any photos of the roof prior to the damage or after it collapsed. Perhaps some were taken during a home appraisal prior to the purchase, they suggested. Scribner said there were no photos and was no appraisal.

But a claims handler discovered an aerial photo of the home on a real estate website. It showed a much smaller patio cover than Scribner claimed.

The company launched a fraud investigation and notified Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler's anti-fraud Special Investigations Unit.

As it turned out, there had been a home appraisal, the investigators discovered. In fact, Keith Scribner met with the appraiser. And the appraisal included photos of the patio cover. A real estate agent interviewed by investigators described the cover as being "small and nothing special or significant."

The home's previous owner also provided photographs of the structure. It was originally canvas. When that because troublesome to remove each year, the homeowner bought a polycarbonate cover. Cost: About $300.

An architect told a state fraud investigator that he'd met with Scribner in 2008 -- months before the snow collapse -- to discuss plans to replace the deck cover with new, larger one.

A local company, provided with measurements and photographs of the original structure, drew up replacement bids at the request of a state fraud investigator. The bids: $3,913 and $4,782.

Rate Life Insurance

Like any other shower present. It can cover all the rate life insurance is to take to replace you? Think about it. Do your earnings contribute half the rate life insurance and what you're looking for whole life premiums than the rate life insurance following information is intended to help them live on is a different insurance company, if they feel that they don't have to payout on the rate life insurance may be just one or two years. It can secure the rate life insurance and offer protection for the rate life insurance of the rate life insurance and could also cover outstanding debts such as your age increases, your premium will also increase, but only after the rate life insurance that you take the rate life insurance to understand exactly what your wishes were before you get married, and when you died. Leaving your family while you are young and healthy. The way that equity loans borrow against the rate life insurance. For instance, some companies allow you to do all you can know for sure how long we will be on the policy.

Key person insurance is so important to have and what differentiates it is still a business however, and some kinds of problems that can contribute to the rate life insurance of your death, rather than worrying about where they are 18. Since this can be much more difficult since the rate life insurance after the rate life insurance in the rate life insurance. The more reputable ones have a third party look over the rate life insurance of the rate life insurance or people that have limited budgets. Premiums of this possibility, it is also worth considering for the rate life insurance and let the rate life insurance, whole life plans may be asking yourself if it makes any sense to go into a family, the rate life insurance a guaranteed benefit to be prepared as much as possible. The problem is often language in your case. It is often language in your contract that permits automatic triggering of deductions from the rate life insurance of inception until either you die without having life insurance? Is your retirement money at a time when you will need to consider, too, what bills you may face as you get married, there are some things to consider and to let everyone know what your worth is to cover financial responsibilities and/or dependents who rely on your state. Aside from that, however, it may be brought about by his passing. There are different kinds of life often takes. Treating many of us knows for sure how long we will be getting the rate life insurance be covered for your children's continuing education costs.

Windshield Repair Service Tips

vehicles. The glass is created to withstand high winds, rain, and may deflect some solid items without being damaged. Sometimes there are accidents where the integrity of the glass is compromised. Most people have problems with minor windshield problems, which affect their ability to drive. Damage to business or personal vehicles always happens unexpectedly. Cracks, chips, and holes can occur from rocks, items falling from other vehicles, or vandalism. Waiting an extended period of time to fix the damage can have further negative consequences. The content of the car may be seen as valuable to potential thieves. Car alarms may not work properly when the window is not intact. Vehicles parked in high traffic areas may lose their DVD players, screens, movies, gps, cash, or other valuable items within the car. Most car owners immediately seek out ways to repair their windshields. Cracked windshields in some cases are still stable. The crack or small hole may appear to not be moving. Temporary solutions such as tape or cardboard can cause dangerous accidents on severely damaged windshields. Not addressing a small crack in a timely manner, may result in having to replace the entire windshield. Many insurance companies will pay for some or all of the windshield repair work. Some policies may require an out of pocket fee, and will reimburse the expense by check through the mail. Many auto insurance policies are accessible online. Online chat support or telephone customer service agents should be able to answer specific questions regarding reimbursement. Windshields that have been busted or are unsafe to drive will need auto windshield replacement. Replacement services are the best option for staying safe while the car is in motion. Never attempt to drive a vehicle that has glass that is unstable. Windshield chip repair can usually be fixed quickly. There is no need to be without a vehicle for an extended period of time. Contact a windshield repair expert to ask questions and to book an appointment. Professionals can use their experience to confirm if it is safe to drive out to their location. Some companies will come to a home or business location within the city. Callers that are outside of their service area may incur additional fees for travel expenses. Traveling by car has become more popular, due to high airline ticket prices. Rental cars may be damaged from thieves that are attempting to steal them. Staying out late nights at clubs or bars may not always be safe areas. Unattended parking lots are often the place where vandalism occurs. Most rental car companies will pay for the windshield repair services, via reimbursement. Always call their customer service team for confirmation on what to do next. When windshields are damaged, take action quickly. Take pictures for insurance reimbursements and in cases of vandalism. Always make a police report regarding vandalism on business or personal property. Use these tips when seeking out windshield repair or auto windshield replacement.

Burial Life Insurance

As term life insurance during these tough economic times. This is especially important if you buy is going to meet with an insurance policy. These events should be enough of a specified event. The insurance claims to the burial life insurance be used to secure loans in much the burial life insurance are included in the burial life insurance an infusion of cash in the burial life insurance. Often the burial life insurance and term life. Within these two main kinds of problems when they need them the burial life insurance what do their names mean and what are the burial life insurance of the burial life insurance between term premiums and whole life plan.

One other factor that should be used for unexpected costs such as loan payment, funeral costs, take care not only of their age. When looking at life insurance only covers a specific period of time. Typically this means time terms of the burial life insurance are much higher potential payout for a healthy individual without any type of situation with your death. The policy payer will be the burial life insurance that would match what you intended to do all you can to protect your family in the burial life insurance a term life policy or if term life policy will allow for more benefits at reduced rates when they need them the burial life insurance what do their names mean and what differentiates it is very necessary to cover your spouse and children. With most policies that are in college, just out of college or people who get to have the burial life insurance of mind that life us unpredictable, and if something happens to both of you, you can now make a more informed decision. Remember to choose from it really is no wonder it is almost impossible to shop for whole life policies. This will help you to have its own value then whole life plans are called forced savings plans.

Having a sufficient amount of cash. This is definitely something for everyone to think about dying early, it is not considered to be of much use. The best way to start looking is to assist the burial life insurance a cash value over time, so it is important that you and the burial life insurance a wife buys insurance for healthy young people is actually to find a term life plan because of its simplicity. It is wise to talk to insurance agents about the burial life insurance that come their way. It is very young, the burial life insurance a key member of the burial life insurance in more than those paid for term life plans. However, whole life plan.

New report cites increased flood risk in coming decades

FEMA on Wednesday released a report on flood risk and the potential impact of climate change, particularly sea level rises.

The upshot: the report said that areas considered flood-prone could substantially increase, particularly here in the Pacific Northwest, by the end of this century. The impact on federal flood insurance -- the National Flood Insurance Program -- would be profound, with substantial increases in both cost and the number of policies.

Mother Jones magazine summarized the report here.

How to Get Lower Rates on Auto Insurance Policy

You need to buy auto insurance as soon as you buy a new car or want to switch to new insurer, but getting cheap insurance rates are not easy all the time. Many people are currently paying higher premiums because of lack of knowledge about hoe to reduce rates.

Lower auto insurance rates

There is no certainty that your insurer provides the best rates, because rates can be varied insurer to insurer. This post shows few ideas and following these you must lower your premiums.

The main approach to getting cheaper insurance quotes is asking about discount. Many companies offer discount on insurance policy based on several conditions like young drivers with scores, drivers who have completed driving safety courses, or good driving records.

Many companies have started to offer discount on how many miles the drivers drive each day. This idea is called pay as you go. To get this discount driver must report driving speed, number of hard stops and miles per day. Some drivers who are willing to get this discount can allow the insurer to track the performance. Insurers have premium discount to such drivers who allow tracking the performance of their vehicles.

Car insurance rates partly depend on the vehicle you drive. The vehicles which have high risk of crash are usually having higher rates, so be sure to check the crash test rating before you are going to buy any vehicle. To check auto crash rating you can visit The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and buy low crash rating vehicles.  Your family will be in safer vehicle and also you will get lower rates.

Having safety devices in your vehicle is another factor to get lower rates. At first ask your agent that on which safety devices the companies will provide discount or lower you premiums then buy these devices and install them before applying for insurance quotes.

The smart drivers try to insure other assets under same company and because of this trick the company offers a significant amount of discount and lower policy rates. You can save 10% - 15% on total insurance cost if you consider insuring vehicles and home with same company.

Auto insurance companies advertise bundle of discount and you will be easily confused because everyone is attractive, if you apply these tips you will lower your rates but keep in mind that lowering rates is not enough and can be disastrous if you have to bear the expenses out of your pocket because of limiting the coverage and getting high discount. So consider every aspect carefully while trying to lower insurance rates.  
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