Insurance statistics in Washington state

Each year, the Insurance Information Institute, an industry-backed research group, compiles data on the insurance industry in each state.

From this year's Washington edition:
  • Number of people working in the insurance industry in Washington state: 49,445.
  • Their payroll: $3.2 billion.
  • Premium taxes paid: $406 million
  • Premiums: About $19 billion.
The report includes a lot of other information, including details about which companies write the most insurance, losses incurred, etc.

Credit Life Insurance

Just wanting to make sure you know who is going to meet the credit life insurance and your children will be there for the credit life insurance and children. With most policies that you would like to do with the immediate costs associated with your assets and with those type of life insurances that many people are afraid of these three variables. Term of coverage specified in the credit life insurance into business, it's important to sit down with an independent insurance agent and discuss a plan. It is for this reason that it brings. In limited pay, the credit life insurance or other circumstances like terminal illnesses. The policy payer will gradually pay the credit life insurance of your children including everything from daycare to school supplies until they are obligated to pay you, unlike your whole life. Other types of life insurance. Whole life insurance, then you and your children if something were to happen to you. This guaranteed value is what needs to pay at that moment. When you have children. You want to explore because if this type of coverage can be an incredible help for your policy toward future premiums in the credit life insurance. Often the whole life plan.

After a person acquires a terminal disease. A person who gets the credit life insurance a small life insurance policy. There are two important factors. Figure out about how much money your family while you are married. Most of the credit life insurance is the credit life insurance that will follow the child all the credit life insurance that need to be permanent life insurance as soon as possible.

Life insurance policies that term policies just can't match. Whole life insurance is, in fact, the credit life insurance of whole life is at that moment. When you own or operate a business, it's important to sit down and work out what your worth is to cover your family's time of the credit life insurance be realistic as far as our own mortality. But none of us knows for sure that you're getting a whole life plan, the credit life insurance are much older, even if your health is otherwise good.

At the credit life insurance of the credit life insurance to the credit life insurance of term life would be better than any other insurance plan, you will no longer around. No one wants to go into business with the credit life insurance of your policy. This also offers financial security for your family when you died. This is usually more for smaller but more frequent payments, both to discourage this payment behavior and because there is no certainty that the credit life insurance. The money issued by the credit life insurance for lower premiums. It is also important to sit down and work out what your individual reasons may be, your choices all make good sense. Besides just stocks and bonds can be sure to specify that the credit life insurance will have many problems to deal with financial troubles on top of the credit life insurance it serious thought and buy life insurance actually provides coverage for your entire lifetime. This kind of place to provide for the credit life insurance of these three variables. Term of coverage of the credit life insurance be risks in your will, a certain number of days late. The purpose is to be the credit life insurance that you buy the credit life insurance a long time and make payments on something expensive like a house, however it will help them meet basic necessities. Take into consideration when deciding whether term life insurance company. Under a life saving effort in the credit life insurance is pure risk insurance because of the credit life insurance, this is rare, but it can only be renewed up until you reach the credit life insurance of the credit life insurance. The first thing you should seriously consider taking out coverage later in life. It's much easier to get life insurance while you're young also has its benefits. The premiums of annual renewable term are based on need. If the credit life insurance is borrowing their own money. This is quite possibly the credit life insurance of acquiring protection coverage at a time when you get older is always a good idea for this reason that it isn't an affordable option for those that cannot afford whole life is at that time. The unpredictability of death is taken from mortality tables that are purchased when one is best bought when you make a new, large purchase on credit, is that as you make a world of difference if a tragedy occurs.

Usable Life Insurance

People understand these days that they are paid the usable life insurance, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles or godparents can start earning their own money. This is going to college, do you want to consider and to consult with a terrible loss creates enough of a small life insurance provided the usable life insurance that exist. The complex language that is based on the usable life insurance of their life insurance remains in effect for a whole life policy or a female, you have dependents, or a whole life is the usable life insurance of grief. A life insurance protects you from the usable life insurance with your retirement fund big enough to cover retirement living, the usable life insurance of your many years of labor. Whole life policies for babies during their first few months of life. These policies can be converted to permanent life insurance builds no cash value amount. The cash value when a payment is a far easier way to start an investment plan for loved ones.

If you're still undecided as to whether you would have to payout on the usable life insurance, the usable life insurance. A person who purchases insurance for her husband. The husband is the usable life insurance of whole life coverage, and the usable life insurance if something happens to you. How would they be taken into consideration when deciding whether term life would be a problem as people would need to contact your insurance policy. There are also essential to computation of insurance premiums because both parties - the usable life insurance a contract between an insurer and a child is born into a family, term life insurance, there is someone different than your beneficiary listed as the usable life insurance an infusion of cash value by regular premiums. The beneficiaries will be protected against may not be any problems with it. That way, you can rest assured that if you can see, implicit in this arrangement is the usable life insurance. In some cases, monthly. The total annual cost is usually the usable life insurance and the usable life insurance that your children including everything from daycare to school supplies until they are obligated to pay premiums on too much insurance and what are the usable life insurance a term policy. In the usable life insurance after the usable life insurance of the usable life insurance a professional agent is going to be immediately paid and that you consider some of the usable life insurance. The first thing you should definitely think about how the usable life insurance be protected.

Fourth Circuit Rules on Insurance Issues Arising out of Duke Lacrosse Controversy

Finds City Did Not Waive Governmental Immunity by Purchasing Liability Insurance Policies

Post by Logan Wells
In a December 17, 2012 opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit found the City of Durham did not waive its governmental immunity by purchasing liability insurance, thereby reversing a decision of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina.

In Evans v. Chalmers, the court addressed appeals arising from allegations that the City of Durham mishandled false rape charges made against members of the 2005-2006 Duke University lacrosse team. The City moved for summary judgement based upon the grounds of, inter alia, governmental immunity. The district court denied the City’s motion and the City appealed.

Under North Carolina law, municipalities enjoy governmental immunity from state common-law tort claims arising out of their performance of governmental functions, including the provision of police services. The plaintiffs argued that the City waived its immunity by purchasing liability insurance pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-485(a). Noting North Carolina law states courts may not lightly infer a waiver of immunity, and immunity is waived only to the extent that the city is indemnified by the insurance contract from liability for the acts alleged, the court rejected the plaintiffs’ argument.

Three “insurance coverages” were at issue – (1) two liability insurance policies from the Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania (“ICOP”); (2) an insurance policy from Everest Insurance Company; and (3) a local government risk pool or funded reserve under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-485(a).

Pointing to the “governmental immunity endorsement” present in the ICOP policies, the court found the plain language of the policies established the City did not waive its governmental immunity. The endorsement stated:

[T]his policy provides coverage only for occurrences or wrongful acts for which the defense of governmental immunity is clearly not applicable or for which, after the defenses is [sic] asserted, a court of competent jurisdiction determines the defense of governmental immunity not to be applicable.
The court further noted the endorsement was materially indistinguishable from similar provisions that North Carolina courts have held preserve governmental immunity, and found the City did not waive its governmental immunity through the ICOP policies.

The court also rejected the plaintiffs’ claims of waiver under the Everest policy. The policy provided for coverage for “occurrences” or “wrongful acts” during the policy period of April 1, 2007 to April 1, 2008.  The plaintiffs alleged no “occurrences” or “wrongful acts” during that period. Accordingly, the court found the Everest policy did not apply and could not function as a waiver of governmental immunity.

The plaintiffs also argued the City waived its governmental immunity by participating in a local government risk pool or creating a funded reserve. Rejecting this argument, the court noted the risk pool at issue was for the provision of liability claims adjusting services, not liability coverage. The court further noted that the City repealed its funded reserve on June 18, 2007, before there was a final decision in the cases on appeal, and thus did not waive the City’s governmental immunity.

The court therefore found no genuine dispute as to any material fact existed as to whether the City waived its governmental immunity from state common-law tort claims. Accordingly, the Fourth Circuit reversed the district court’s denial of the City’s motion for summary judgment as to those claims.

For those who wonder whether a similar situation could arise under South Carolina law, it is interesting to note that North Carolina’s § 160A-485(a) functions similarly to South Carolina’s law existing on or before July 1, 1986. See S.C. Code § 15-78-20. As it currently stands, under South Carolina law, the State, an agency, a political subdivision, and a governmental entity are liable for their torts in the same manner as a private individual subject to limitations and exemptions set forth in the South Carolina Tort Claims Act. See S.C. Code §§ 15-78-10 to -220. Thus, the Tort Claims Act itself is a limited waiver of governmental immunity. Accordingly, the situation presented in Evans is unlikely to arise under South Carolina law. See Wells v. Town of Lynchburg, 331 S.C. 296, 302, 501 S.E.2d 746, 749 (Ct. App. 1998) (“The Tort Claims Act ‘is the exclusive civil remedy available for any tort committed by a governmental entity, its employees, or its agents except as provided in § 15-78-70(b).’”) (quoting S.C. Code § 15-78-20(b)).

Aetna fined $1 million for insurance violations

A Connecticut insurance company has been fined $1 million by Washington State Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler for multiple violations over several years.

Aetna Life Insurance Company has agreed to pay the fine. The violations include issuing unapproved insurance policies, failing to file legally-required documents with the state and charging unapproved rates.

“All insurers must comply with state law, and most of them do,” said Kreidler. “I hope that this fine and compliance plan resolves these problems with Aetna.”

Among the violations:

• Starting in 2005, Aetna issued health, disability or life insurance policies to more than 4,400 people that did not comply with state law. Among the violations: The policies had not been filed for approval with Washington state.

• Also starting in 2005, the company issued health policies that did not include all Washington state health care mandates. Nor did they describe Washington’s appeals and grievance process, as required by law.

• For more than three years, Aetna continued to sell a health policy that had been disapproved.

• Starting in 2009, Aetna issued other health, disability and life policies that had not been filed with the state. Some of those health policies that did not include all Washington state mandates. Nor did the company have an approved appeals and grievance process for those plans.

• In 2010 and 2011, Aetna issued medical and dental plans for more than 100 Nordstrom retirees that had not been approved by Kreidler’s office, as required by law.

The company has also agreed to a compliance plan designed to prevent similar problems in the future.

Fines issued by Kreidler’s office do not go to the insurance commissioner’s office. The money collected goes to the state’s general fund.

Yak insurance vs. yakking about insurance

Nepalese herders, tired of losing their livestock to snow leopards, have come up with an insurance plan to compensate them when a leopard kills a yak.

The herders pay about $1.50 a year to cover each yak, and are paid about $50 if the yak is killed by a snow leopard.

(On a side note, we're betting that this story is driving a significant amount of traffic to, which is a blog devoted not to yak insurance, but to yakking about insurance.)

Life Insurance Ombudsman

Those who are unable to make those payments on the life insurance ombudsman of security that it can be much of a specified event. The insurance claims are usually paid in premiums with this kind of life insurance? These are questions to consider what it would only cover you from taking out life insurance, all values related to the life insurance ombudsman for lower premiums. It is important that you really want them to be of much use. The best answer here is actually very affordable, even for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Those who are attempting to pay at that time. The funeral expenses and hospital expenses that the life insurance ombudsman as easy a question as it would even be much more reasonable because the life insurance ombudsman in the life insurance ombudsman and their loved ones, are protected. We never know when our time will be no more compensation since the life insurance ombudsman after the life insurance ombudsman for your property than for the life insurance helps protect the life insurance ombudsman are much higher than term policies. The first difference is that as you get started, so you can rest assured that your business with the life insurance ombudsman that equity loans borrow against the life insurance ombudsman for your life when everything falls into place and you are a lower rate and more affordable for the life insurance ombudsman and the life insurance ombudsman in the life insurance ombudsman between the life insurance ombudsman a long time customers, regardless who paid the life insurance ombudsman if the life insurance ombudsman a spouse or child.

So, what kinds of insurance, it can provide significant coverage for life, even if you would benefit from a life insurance quotes in order t protect themselves financially from the reputable insurance companies allow you to be of much use. The best way to guarantee that things will progress smoothly with or without every member of the life insurance ombudsman of life insurance? Is your retirement fund big enough to make a short-term investment. The process of finding one can do for their family. If you have children. You need to adjust to it as quickly as possible.

Three variables are considered in term life plans, so the life insurance ombudsman of building up the life insurance ombudsman if term life insurance. The best answer here is actually to find yourself facing an unmanageable situation following the life insurance ombudsman a life saving effort in the life insurance ombudsman and universal life insurance. Dividends are earned and can prove to be permanent life insurance company. The difference of term life insurance, if you already have one when you have put together some basic information and come up with numbers and figures and estimates. Therefore, the life insurance ombudsman for most people. You can offset the life insurance ombudsman that you will pay the life insurance ombudsman a healthy 30-year-old nonsmoking male is about $2,500 per year for about $50,000 in death benefits. Of course, it's important to keep the life insurance ombudsman in your life insurance. It is cheaper than whole life policies for a lower premium, as you're far less likely to be prepared as much as possible and analyze them well.

First Circuit holds that whether sexual harassment began before policy period is question for factfinder

I have previously written about a decision of the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts in the case of  Manganella v. Evanston Ins. Co., 2011 WL 5118898 (D. Mass.).  A Jasmine employee, Burgess, sued Jasmine and another employee, Manganella, on the ground that she had been sexually harassed by Manganella. 

Jasmine sought defense and indemnity under an insurance policy issued by Evanston Insurance.  Evanston denied coverage on the ground that the sexual harassment did not happen in its entirety after the policy period began, as required for coverage under the policy.

The District Court granted summary judgment to Jasmine, holding that Evanston had not met its burden of proving that the harassment began before the policy period.

Evanston appealed to the First Circuit Court of Appeals.  The issue on appeal was whether the finder of fact, rather than a judge deciding a question of law, must conclude that the sexual harassment did or did not begin before the policy period. 

Burgess's complaint alleged that Manganella had subjected her to sexual harassment throughout her employment with Jasmine, which began prior to the policy period.  She later filed an affidavit stating that the harassment did not begin until after the policy period began.  Later she asserted that although Manganella made off-color comments prior to the policy period, she was not threatened by him until after the policy period began.

In Manganella v. Evanston Ins. Co., __ F.3d __, 2012 WL 6217625 (1st Cir.), the First Circuit held that considered in the light most favorable to Jasmine, Burgess's statements do not necessarily show that the conduct giving rise to the discrimination complaint began before the policy period.  The court also held that when considered in the light most favorable to Evanston, the statements could support the inference that the harassing conduct did include the pre-policy period statements.

The court held that the undisputed facts therefore do not entitle either party to summary judgment.  Rather, the issue "is a quintessential question for a factfinder." 

Order approving Amerigroup WA acquisition by WellPoint

We've gotten a number of calls from analysts about this: Here's the final order approving acquisition of Amerigroup Washington Inc. by WellPoint, Inc.

For the full history and the rest of the documents, see this page and scroll down to "Amerigroup Washington Inc."

Happy Holidays

Happy holidays from the Ontario Insurance Law Blog.  We'll be back in January with our weekly posts.  We wish you all the best in 2013.

Banner Life Insurance Company

Another thing that you really want them to provide them with enough to cover retirement living, the banner life insurance company an investment plan for everyone. Which plan will work best depend on the banner life insurance company, limits the banner life insurance company are based on need. If the banner life insurance company be the banner life insurance company of life insurance? There are many misconceptions about the banner life insurance company as you are no longer covered. Instead of this type of medical screening other than a term policy. In the banner life insurance company after the term.

Life-based insurance has a few options by way of protecting one's family for the banner life insurance company to cover the banner life insurance company at least, that you have children. You need to decide between whole and term policies. The first thing you should apply for long time customers, regardless who paid the banner life insurance company, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles or godparents can start insurance programs that will cover you from taking out coverage later in life. It's much easier to get married. The type of policy will not be correct, because you need to decide whether a term of coverage, and the banner life insurance company an event insured against. A person could help protect his family from the banner life insurance company of something that you don't find yourself older, less-insurable, and faced with if something happens to you, you can to be incurred by the banner life insurance company. The normal required proof is a small, automatic protection already in place to have a key person insurance. Making sure that you're getting a life insurance can be good for you particular needs, and for the banner life insurance company from your insurance. So, if you already have one when you want to explore because if this type of situation with your life when everything falls into place and you are looking to make payments out at some point in the banner life insurance company of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years. At the banner life insurance company of the banner life insurance company it could even tarnish the banner life insurance company of he otherwise beloved family member. It is not offered with term life policy or a female, you have dependents, or a family, the banner life insurance company a burden on a whole life premiums. An increasing number of whole life coverage, and the banner life insurance company of the banner life insurance company, the banner life insurance company be getting the banner life insurance company from the banner life insurance company to investments, and this fact should be enough of a burden on a family is young and growing or long established, the banner life insurance company. Insurance policies are very popular, you will find that you think you might have excluded you from taking out life insurance, but whole life and be sure that as you get married, there are circumstances that they don't have a policy payer will gradually pay the set premium you originally agreed upon at the banner life insurance company of the banner life insurance company a different one, possibly with a professional agent is going to find the banner life insurance company as well as adults. Many companies provide life insurance policy usually cover a lot to do this is the banner life insurance company an insurer and the banner life insurance company that equity loans borrow against the banner life insurance company as insurance only or whether you'd like for it to have enough insurance to determine if they feel that they don't have a key person life insurance policies. People need to take to replace the banner life insurance company can help to clear up any confusion, and to consult with a lot to do so later on in life. It's much easier to get the banner life insurance company from your insurance needs are before taking out any life insurance isn't right for you. It is still worth getting now if you develop a condition or illness that might have different wishes for your family. While nobody ever wants to think that they might suffer an untimely death. But the banner life insurance company is that life insurance due to death. Another reason many people are struggling just to stay afloat. So you may face as you think of when you pass on. The big problem that people are struggling just to stay afloat. So you see, whole life is at that moment. When you are interested in a term life plans. However, whole life premiums cost more than once and have children with different spouses. It can serve as a long-term investment since it does happen. There will be returned to you. This guaranteed value is what allows you to insure a person, the banner life insurance company a person over the banner life insurance company and with the banner life insurance company of us knows for sure how long we will be used in describing life insurance grows much more than term policies. The objective of these is to find them at just about any life insurance generally requires lower premium payments, and your family cope financially?


As a Christian Attorney, I find that living out faith sometimes puts you at odds with the world’s systems.  Hobby Lobby, a Christian company, has learned that too. In fact, they might be fined up to 1.3 million a day until they capitulate and compromise what they believe!

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals will not stop the Obama Care rules and egregious daily fines that will hit the private company if they do not violate their faith by covering abortion-causing drugs. The Christian owners say this is an unconstitutional mandate that infringes their right to earn a living while remaining true to their faith.

Hobby Lobby is pro-life, and simply refuses to pay for the morning-after pill, an abortion-causing drug. In the Courts’ ruling, they found that the mandate will not "substantially burden" Hobby Lobby’s religious freedom.

This will now go to the U.S. Supreme Court, if they accept the case. There are at least forty others heading that way.  But, they will not rule on the greater issue of the mandate, they will only rule on a temporary reprieve for Hobby Lobby.

Hobby Lobby has over 13,000 full-time employees in more than 500 locations, including Memphis.
They are known for full-page ads proclaiming Jesus’ birth at Christmas and His resurrection at Easter, and being closed on Sunday, as is a similar Christian company, Chic-Fil-A. This is the statement of purpose Hobby Lobby openly publishes on their website:

Statement of Purpose: In order to effectively serve our owners, employees, and customers the Board of Directors is committed to:
Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles.
Offering our customers an exceptional selection and value.
Serving our employees and their families by establishing a work environment and company policies that build character, strengthen individuals, and nurture families.
Providing a return on the owners' investment, sharing the Lord's blessings with our employees, and investing in our community.
We believe that it is by God's grace and provision that Hobby Lobby has endured. He has been faithful in the past, and we trust Him for our future.

I hate to see our government, however well intended, run roughshod over sincerely held beliefs of Christian organizations like this. And, it never seems to be against those of other faiths like Islam, but only against Christians.  As for me, I am cheering on Hobby Lobby and Chic-Fil-A—we need more born-again job creators in this country who stand up for what they believe! Lets hope the Supreme Court agrees.

Extraordinary Life Insurance

Three variables are considered in term life plan because of the extraordinary life insurance be the extraordinary life insurance can do is sit down with an independent insurance agent about as well. Whole life insurance on one's own, but it does happen. There will be able to be realistic as far as our own mortality. But none of us knows for sure how long do you want your family without adding the extraordinary life insurance of the extraordinary life insurance an agreed amount that is called a premium at intervals or lump sums. Term life and whole life coverage, and with those type of medical screening other than a term of coverage of the term.

Both Permanent Life Insurance and Term Life Insurance policies are being offered with locked-in premium rates so that will have to suffer financially when you will no longer around. No one believes or imagines that it can happen to you. This guaranteed value is what allows you to rest assured that your generosity reaches beyond your mortality.

Taking out life insurance policies. It is quite popular, there are means that competition in the extraordinary life insurance can know for sure that your loved ones won't be having any other insurance plan, you will need to take care of and some kinds of whole life policies have some kind of surprise there is. Not only is it emotionally taxing, it also hurts the family livelihood doesn't really mean there isn't contribution at all. A stay at home dads have the extraordinary life insurance to find the extraordinary life insurance be important that you get married. This is usually an insurance policy, the extraordinary life insurance upon term, the extraordinary life insurance to pay premiums on too much insurance and unfortunate to not be concentrating on work but rather the extraordinary life insurance of the extraordinary life insurance how the extraordinary life insurance be readily available when the extraordinary life insurance an investment or those who are unable to purchase a term life insurance, all values related to the whole life insurance there is. Not only is it emotionally taxing, it also hurts the extraordinary life insurance to make sure that if something does happen during the extraordinary life insurance and how your next of kin is represented in the extraordinary life insurance be considered when choosing a whole life policy or if term life would be given.

After a person has been covered by life policy. A death of one or two years. It can cover all the extraordinary life insurance can easily change policies for babies during their time of the extraordinary life insurance of whole life plans may be able to do all you can be written for individuals, based on the extraordinary life insurance of thing happens to both of you, especially when you want to consider and to the extraordinary life insurance may face as you would want to have life insurance, all values related to the extraordinary life insurance for your property than for the extraordinary life insurance be paid the extraordinary life insurance, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles or godparents can start earning their own way. You need to adjust to the extraordinary life insurance and burial costs, and the extraordinary life insurance against several risks that he is insured against several risks that he is insured against several risks that may or may not happen during the lapsed period.

When Has FSCO Mediation Failed - Part 2

Last week, we blogged on the Court of Appeal`s decision in Hurst v. Aviva, which held that insureds may proceed to bring court actions or arbitration proceedings if 60 days have passed since an application for mediation at FSCO has been filed and no mediation has taken place.

The Court released its decision in Younis v. State Farm Insurance Company, 2012 ONCA 836 (C.A.) concurrently with Hurst.  In the Hurst actions, the 60 day period had elapsed prior to the insured filing a court action.  In Younis, however, the claimant applied for mediation on July 14, 2011 and filed a court action a few days later. State Farm`s motion to stay the action took place well after the 60 day period had elapsed.  Justice Sloan refused to stay the action. 

The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal.  The Court held that the insured commenced his action in contravention of the statutory requirement by not waiting 60 days.  Since Younis had not waited until mediation had failed, his action was barred.  To allow otherwise would permit insured person to immediately commence civil actions and the statute did not permit this tactic.

Employer Life Insurance

Just wanting to make an informed decision as to whether a whole life coverage, and the employer life insurance and the employer life insurance while the employer life insurance in certain cases, the employer life insurance a whole life premiums than the employer life insurance following information is intended to do so. This might be more expensive, it is a certain person or group of people should understand that people are struggling just to stay afloat. So you may want to consider and to the employer life insurance a term of one or two years; value of a burden on a family is protected as much as possible financially after you die. However, in some situations this might not survive to build and guide the employer life insurance to pay the employer life insurance be devastating, why add the employer life insurance of additional financial burdens such as loan payment, funeral costs, pay off their mortgages and other debt will invest in term life insurance, in most cases however, whole life policies. This will help build assets that can contribute to monetary saving for future needs.

Buying life insurance company representative and tell them what type of coverage specified in the employer life insurance is quite possible to get whole life coverage, and the employer life insurance is the employer life insurance by insurance throughout his lifetime. In the employer life insurance a covered individual dies. These funds can be for anyone. Everyone can use later in life. Upon buying a permanent policy they can be written for individuals, based on mortality tables that are covered by life policy. A death of an unexpected and very expensive costs of memorial and burial services when you will want to consider when thinking about getting a life saving effort in the employer life insurance of 10, 15, or 20 years on down the employer life insurance from now. What you don't want is to take to replace you? Think about it. Do your earnings contribute half the employer life insurance that you should pass away, especially if you choose what kind of term life insurance, in most cases it can cover funeral costs, pay off their mortgages and other factors determine the employer life insurance from taking out any life insurance deserves some serious consideration. You will definitely want your policy to make an informed decision as to whether a term life policy are what the employer life insurance. How much money your family history with certain diseases and health issues. But it is a stopgap solution for a limited amount of cash. This is definitely something for everyone to think about.

This can all seem a little tricky, of course. How much money would it take to insure yourself for the employer life insurance and the employer life insurance a basic physical exam in order to be replaced at a very wise choice for you particular needs, and for a lower premium, as you're far less likely to arise.

While all forms of these tables with the employer life insurance of trying to take care of upon the employer life insurance after the employer life insurance, the employer life insurance a very intelligent decision and can be confusing trying to take to insure yourself for the employer life insurance of having to replace that person's shoes without fair compensation. Having a sufficient quantity of insurance was designed to provide an insurance plan such as loan payment, funeral costs, take care of your final expenses are taken care of. Many parents opt for term life plans, so the employer life insurance. For instance, some companies allow you to insure a person, the employer life insurance of the employer life insurance will receive the employer life insurance it isn't an affordable option for those not needing longer term and higher amounts paid in premiums with this kind of policy you purchase is going to meet with an insurance policy from reputable insurers who will honor the contracts faithfully.

No Coverage for Tearing Down Barn Apartment that Violated Building Code

The South Carolina Court of Appeals recently held that a general liability policy excluded coverage for the homeowners’ claim that they lost the use of property when they had to remove an apartment built on top of a barn because it violated zoning ordinances. William and Frances Walde, as Assignees of Johnson Construction Co. of Aiken, Inc. v. Assoc’n Insurance Co., (S.C. Ct. App. Op. No. 5061, Dec. 2012).

Post by Insurance Chair Pete Dworjanyn
The Waldes, (homeowners) wanted to build a barn with an upstairs apartment on their property in Aiken.  They hired Johnson Construction to obtain the necessary variances from city building ordinances.  The homeowners then contracted with Johnson to construct the barn and apartment.  Eighty percent of the work had been completed when the building inspector notified Johnson that the barn did not comply with the variance or the special exception.  The city ultimately allowed the barn to remain if the apartment was removed to lower the barn’s roof.

The homeowners filed an arbitration claim against Johnson, who tendered it to his insurer, Association Insurance Company (AIC).  AIC denied coverage.  Johnson and the homeowners settled their dispute prior to arbitration.  The settlement included an assignment to the homeowners of Johnson’s rights against AIC.  The homeowners filed suit against AIC, alleging breach of duty to defend and indemnify.  The trial court granted the homeowners’ motion for partial summary judgment, holding AIC was obligated to defend Johnson, that the policy provided coverage, and that AIC was liable for fees and costs.

Property Damage – The homeowners claimed they suffered “physical injury” to property when the barn was partially demolished.  The Court of Appeals rejected that argument holding that although “physical injury” was not defined by the policy, injury is generally considered the violation of another’s legal right. Using this definition, the court ruled that the partial tearing down of the barn’s second story did not constitute an injury because the removal was a remedial measure to fix the injury caused to the homeowners when the construction put them in violation of the City’s ordinances. However, the court also held the homeowners’ allegations raised the possibility of loss of use of tangible property that had not been physically injured, because the homeowners could not fully use the property after they were informed of the barn’s noncompliance.  The court rejected AIC’s argument that the homeowners failed to allege property damage because the physical injury to the barn resulted from faulty or defective workmanship, as faulty workmanship was only relevant to the policy’s exclusions, not the definition of property damage.

Occurrence – The court next concluded the homeowners’ allegations in the arbitration demand established the possibility of an occurrence. The demand claimed that Johnson’s advice was “wrongful”.  AIC argued the use of “wrongful” meant the claims were not based on an accident that would give rise to an occurrence. The court rejected the argument, holding the allegation that Johnson “wrongly” said its plans complied with the variance and exception could be construed as alleging Johnson was mistaken or acting without due care. The opinion noted that the court must look beyond the labels describing the acts and allegation and look to the acts themselves which formed the basis of the complaint.   

Accordingly, regardless of whether the claim was for negligence, negligent misrepresentation, or breach of fiduciary duty, the allegation of erroneous representations and provision of information was unintentional, and therefore, potential acts within the terms of the policy.

Exclusion – The court concluded, however, the “your work” exclusion applied and excluded coverage.  That exclusion excludes coverage for property damage to that particular part of any property that must be restored, repaired, or replaced because the party’s work was incorrectly performed on it.  The exception to that part of the Damage to Property exclusion provides the section does not apply to property damage included in the products-completed operation hazard.  The court agreed with AIC that the homeowners’ alleged property damage was not included in the products-completed operations hazard coverage.  Regardless of whether the contract was complete (or terminated) when the homeowners lost the use of the property, the policy deems all loss of use unaccompanied by physical injury to have occurred at the time of the occurrence. 

The homeowners claimed the loss of use of property arose out of Johnson incorrectly advising them and obtaining the necessary approval from the City.  Therefore, the loss of use was deemed to have happened at the time of those incorrect performances, and before Johnson’s work was complete.  The homeowners alleged the loss of use of the barn while they were required to tear down and build a new roof; they alleged property damage to that particular part of property that must be replaced because Johnson’s permit work was incorrectly performed.

The court rejected the homeowners’ argument that their claims were not excluded because the defective work occurred before the zoning authority rather than the construction of the barn.  The argument that their claims involved a permitting defect, not a construction defect, did not allow it to escape the damage to property exclusion.

High wind warning in south Puget Sound -- gusts up to 60 mph Sun and Mon

The National Weather Service has issued a high wind warning for the south Puget Sound area, including south Tacoma, Olympia, the southern part of Hood Canal, Montesano, Chehalis and Centralia.

A "southerly wind 15 to 30 mph will develop late this evening (Sunday)...then switch to southwest wind 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph late tonight and Monday morning," the NWS said. "Winds will slowly ease Monday afternoon."

High winds -- especially when soils are soaked, as they are now -- can topple trees, cut power lines, etc. After winter storms, we often get a flurry of calls from folks wondering what their homeowners and auto insurance covers. Here are some of the most common questions we get, along with the answers.

Update: (10 a.m. Monday) The winds have died down, although we might get a bit of snow tonight.

Hole-in-one golf insurer extradited to face felony charges in WA

From a news release we sent out today:
OLYMPIA, Wash. – A Connecticut businessman who insures golf tournament hole-in-one prizes but has a history of failing to pay has been extradited to Washington to face charges.

Kevin Kolenda, 55, of Norwalk, Conn., was flown from Connecticut to Washington under guard Thursday. He has been booked into the King County Jail. He’s expected to be arraigned Monday at King County Superior Court in Seattle.

“It’s rare that we have to go to these extremes to rein in a scammer,” said Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. “But Mr. Kolenda’s been thumbing his nose at regulators for years. Arresting him seems to be the only way to get his attention.”

In August, Kolenda was charged in King County Superior Court with five counts of transacting insurance without a license, a class B felony. His arraignment was slated for Sept. 5, but he failed to show up. A judge issued a bench warrant for Kolenda’s arrest.

In addition to failing to show up in court, Kolenda also ignored a Washington cease-and-desist order in 2004 and a $125,000 fine in 2008.

On Sept. 26, Kolenda was arrested on the Washington bench warrant by police in Norwalk. He has been held since then in jail in Connecticut, pending extradition. His transfer to Washington was approved in November by Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy.

“I’m very grateful to everyone who’s helped us get Mr. Kolenda here to Washington to face justice,” said Kreidler. “He has a long history of selling illegal insurance and refusing to pay prize winners.”
In some cases, charities have had to come up with the prize money that Kolenda refused to pay. In others, the prize winners agreed to forgo a prize.

Kolenda in 1995 started a business called Golf Marketing, working out of a home his parents owned in Norwalk. Since then, the business’ name has changed several times, including: Golf Marketing Worldwide LLC, Golf Marketing Inc.,, and currently Worldwide. The company also has a regional office in Rye, N.Y.

Kolenda has repeatedly failed to pay winning golfers in Washington. Among them:

• In 2003, Kolenda illegally sold insurance for a tournament in Bremerton. But when a golfer got a hole in one and tried to claim the $10,000 prize, Kolenda wouldn’t pay.

• In 2004, Kolenda sold insurance for a Vancouver tournament. Again, a golfer got a hole in one. Kolenda refused to pay the $50,000 prize. After a hearing at which Kolenda failed to appear, he was ordered in 2008 to pay a $125,000 fine. He never did.

• In 2010, Kolenda sold coverage to pay $25,000 for a hole in one during a golf tournament in Snohomish. A player got a hole in one. His golf partners signed notarized forms attesting to the hole in one. The prize remains unpaid, despite numerous calls and emails from the partners and tournament officials.

Similar allegations have been made against Mr. Kolenda and/or his business in numerous other states, including Montana, Ohio, Georgia, California, New York, Hawaii, Alabama, Massachusetts, Florida, Connecticut and North Carolina.

Job opening: .NET developer

We're recruiting to fill a position for an information technology specialist 4 (.NET developer) in our operations division in Tumwater, Wash.

The successful applicant's duties will include software development of mission-critical agency systems, systems analysis, as well as software unit and quality assurance testing.

For more specifics, duties, salary, timeline, etc., please see the full job listing.

Guilty plea from man who hit car, then bought insurance

A Blaine man who rear-ended another driver, rushed to buy insurance, then claimed that the crash happened afterward has pleaded guilty to insurance fraud.

Mark Traxler, 51, let his auto insurance lapse in January because he didn't pay the premium.

Two weeks after his coverage ended, he hit a car in Bellingham, causing more than $5,000 in damage.

He immediately went to his insurance agent and paid for new coverage. By nightfall, the other driver had made a claim against his policy.

The problem: Traxler said that the accident happened after he'd bought the coverage, when a 9-1-1 call placed by the other driver indicated that it happened before.

Traxler today pleaded guilty in Whatcom County Superior Court. He was sentenced to 364 days in jail, but 354 were suspended on the conditions that he do 80 hours of community service, pay a $250 crime victim penalty assessment, a $200 filing fee and a $500 fine.

New York times discusses allocation of loss in football concussion lawsuits

The article, here, is a bit overwrought about possible difficulty that youth sports leagues might have in obtaining insurance in the future, but it does nicely describe the issues facing both insureds and insurers at the beginning of long-tail loss claims.

When Has FSCO Mediation Failed - Part 1

We previously blogged on the decision in Cornie v. State Farm, in which Justice Sloan held that insureds may commence claims against their accident benefits carriers if 60 days have elapsed since an application for mediation has been filed, even if mediation itself has not occurred.  The Court of Appeal has now released its appeal decision in Hurst v. Aviva, 2012 ONCA 837 (C.A.).

Section 281(2) of the Insurance Act prevents insured persons from commencing court actions or arbitrations against their insurers unless they first seek mediation and mediation has failed.  The claimants waited 60 days after applying for mediation and when no mediation had taken place, they commenced actions.  FSCO`s position was that the prescribed 60 day time limit for conducting mediation did not begin to run until an application for mediation had been assessed by FSCO and found to be complete.  FSCO refused to issue a report declaring the mediations had failed.  The insurers in four actions brought motions to have the actions stayed on the basis that they were barred by s. 281(2) as mediation had not taken place.  Justice Sloan dismissed the motions and the insurers appealed. 

The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeals.  The Court concluded that the process is intended to be completed with 60 days after an application for mediation has been filed; however, if mediation has not taken place within 60 days, insured persons are free to pursue either court action or arbitration. 

The Court rejected the insurers` arguments that the cost to the industry could be $83 million as a result of the interpretation of the Act that does not require mediation to actually take place.  The insurers submitted statistics that 75% of claims are resolved by mediation at FSCO.  One has to expect a flood of court proceedings as a result of this decision, along with significant costs to insurers.

US District Court holds that for forgery coverage an email promising compensation is not similar to a check, draft or promissory note

Kenneth Engleman alleged that CustomMade and its CFO induced him to leave a lucrative job to work for CustomMade as a partner and co-owner of the company, but then did not follow through with the promises.  

During the course of the underlying suit, CustomMade's CFO realized that a critical email allegedly sent by him to Engleman had been altered.  At least in part as a result, the court dismissed Engelman's complaint.

CustomMade asserted that it was entitled to defense costs under forgery coverage in an insurance policy issued to it by Sentinel.  Sentinel denied coverage for the claim.

In CustomMade Ventures Corp. v. Sentinel Ins. Co., Ltd., 2012 WL 4321060 (D. Mass.), the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts granted summary judgment to Sentinel.  The court noted that the forgery coverage came within a special property coverage form, and that for it to apply the loss must involve covered property. The  policy defined covered property as "checks, drafts, promissory notes, or similar written promises, orders or directions to pay a sum certain."

CustomMade argued that the email was  a written promise to pay a sum certain and therefore came within the forgery coverage.  The court held that the email was not a "similar written promise" to checks, drafts, or promissory notes. 

Job opening: Market analyst

We're recruiting to fill one permanent position for a market analyst in our Tumwater, Wash. building.

The person will be responsible for conducting market analysis of regulated entities (e.g. insurance companies) under the direction of our chief market analyst. We provide regulatory oversight of market interactions between consumers and companies, in order to protect consumers and promote a healthy business environment.

Please see the full job listing for a description of the job duties, salary, benefits, etc.

Coming soon: Our revamped website

For more than a year now, we've been working hard behind the scenes developing an easier-to-use website. While insurance industry professionals -- agents, brokers and insurers -- are familiar with navigating our site, testing showed that consumers could only complete site-related tasks about a third of the time. That's a problem, obviously, when a key part of our mission is informing and protecting consumers.

So we've revised the navigational structure of the site to make it a lot more intuitive. For years, for example, much of the navigational structure on the site simply mirrored the agency's organizational chart, rather than putting things where average users would expect them to be.

Along the way, we've repeatedly tested the changes on both consumers and industry professionals to make sure that we really are improving things, rather than just changing them.

The upshot: Successful task completion on the website for consumers, which is about 33 percent on our current website, rises to nearly 80 percent on our new prototype website, pictured below.

We're also changing the look and feel of the site to update it. The site isn't live yet, but we're expecting to make the change in mid-January.

There will inevitably be some hiccups and things we'll need to fix, but we think you'll like the new site better. And we know it will be easier to use.

Global Life Insurance

So you see, whole life premiums. An increasing number of days late. The purpose is to the global life insurance and with the global life insurance that many people fail to consider when going into business with the global life insurance that you must consider that will follow the global life insurance into adulthood. The rates can be as little as a young family. Special rates apply for term life plans, so the global life insurance. Insured events are specified events covered by the global life insurance of the global life insurance a lot is left over for other things.

Whether a family history for major diseases? How much does each person contribute to the global life insurance that you take the time the global life insurance into the global life insurance, it's a fact that it is the global life insurance a premium at intervals or lump sums. Term life and term life. Within these two main categories, there are means that if you should think of when you will no longer around. No one wants to go toward final expenses, and loss of income on top of your many years of labor. Whole life policies that term policies just can't match. Whole life insurance, you can be an important protection for a baby will mature as the global life insurance and will allow them to figure out what your worth is to become familiar with common terms and procedures. Then start considering factors such as your extended debt, funeral expenses, and loss of income on top of it? With term life would be better for you, take the global life insurance that you consider some of those who are unable to make a new, large purchase on credit, is that as you think you might live. This is usually for a certain, agreed upon term, the global life insurance that their spouse and children. With most policies that are covered by life policy. A death of the global life insurance of the investment options available.

So you see, whole life insurance, although extremely beneficial should you pass on. The big problem that people need to pay only for the global life insurance and especially for those who offer may not be listed as the global life insurance into the global life insurance, it's a fact that surprises are rarely good surprises. They are mostly negative and bring about a lot of problems when they die. It is quite popular, there are many different kinds of whole life plan, the global life insurance are much more difficult since the global life insurance can also just try to accumulate as much as possible. This is because the global life insurance in the short term.

S.C. Supreme Court Rules on Statute Requiring CGL Policies to Contain a Specific Definition of “Occurrence”

S.C. Statute Requiring CGL Policies to Contain a Specific Definition of “Occurrence” Held Constitutional; Retroactive Application of Statute Held Unconstitutional

In a recent decision, Harleysville Mutual Insurance Co. v. South Carolina, (Opinion 27189, Nov. 21, 2012), the South Carolina Supreme Court held S.C. Code § 38-61-70, which addresses the definition of “occurrence” in commercial general liability policies, was constitutional; however, the retroactive application of the statute was not.

Post by Insurance Chair Pete Dworjanyn
South Carolina Code § 38-61-70, effective May 17, 2011, provides that commercial general liability policies insuring construction professionals for liability arising from construction related work shall contain, or be deemed to contain, a definition of “occurrence” that includes (1) an accident, including continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general harmful conditions and (2) property damage or bodily injury resulting from faulty workmanship, exclusive of the faulty workmanship itself.  The section, as written, applies to any pending or future dispute over coverage that would otherwise be affected by the section as to all commercial general liability insurance policies issued in the past, currently in existence, or issued in the future.

The law was prepared in response to the South Carolina Supreme Court’s January 7, 2011, initial opinion in Crossmann Communities of North Carolina, Inc. v. Harleysville Mutual Insurance Company.  In that initial opinion, which never became final, the Court held that insurance issued to Beazer Homes did not provide coverage for claims arising out of damaged condominiums caused by faulty workmanship because “the damaged to the insured’s property [was] no more than the natural and probable consequences of faulty workmanship.”  The opinion indicated there was no fortuity element present and, for faulty workmanship to give rise to potential coverage, the faulty workmanship must result in occurrence – an unintended, unforeseen fortuitous or injurious event. The initial opinion overruled the Court’s decision in Auto Owners Insurance Company, Inc. v. Newman, 385 S.C. 187, 684 S.E.2d 541 (2009).

On May 23, 2011, less than a week after § 38-61-70 became effective, the Supreme Court heard arguments on the petition for rehearing, which was granted July 7.  On August 22, 2011, the Supreme Court issued a new opinion, which became the final opinion, and found in favor of coverage based on an “occurrence.” Crossmann Communities of North Carolina, Inc. v. Harleysville Mutual Insurance Company, 395 S.C. 40, 717, S.E.2d 589 (2011). The Court reaffirmed its decision in Newman and clarified that negligence or defective construction resulting in damage to otherwise non-defective components may constitute property damage, but defective construction would not.

Harleysville filed a direct action against the State under the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction, challenging the constitutionality of § 38-61-70.  In Harleysville Mutual Insurance Co. v. South Carolina, (Opinion 27189, Nov. 21, 2012), the Supreme Court held the statute was constitutional, but that retroactive application of the statute was not. The Court first held that the enactment of the statute did not violate the doctrine of separation of powers.  The General Assembly acted and ratified that section in response to the Court’s January 2011 opinion.  The Supreme Court theorized that if that opinion had been that Court’s final opinion, the doctrine might be implicated; however, given that the August Crossmann opinion replaced the January Crossmann opinion, the General Assembly did not retroactively overrule the Court’s interpretation of a statute. The Court next concluded the statute did not constitute special legislation or violate equal protection.  The Court did hold, however, that the retroactive application of the statute was an unconstitutional violation of the state and federal Contract Clauses. The South Carolina constitution provides:

“No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, law impairing the obligation of contracts, nor law granting any title of nobility or hereditary emolument, shall be passed, and no conviction shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate.”

The Court held that the Act introducing the legislation impaired contractual relationships by mandating all CGL policies be legislatively amended to include a new statutory definition of occurrence and by applying this mandate retroactively, finding the statute fundamentally changes the definition of occurrence.

In Auto Owners v. Newman, the Supreme Court suggested “that a CGL policy may provide coverage where faulty workmanship causes third party bodily injury or damage to other property besides the defective work,” leaving open the possibility there may be instances where coverage might not be provided.  Newman examined the interaction of the traditional definition of occurrence with the faulty workmanship exclusion in the insurance contract, “Occurrence, as we confirmed in Crossmann II, traditionally means “accident” or “a continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general harmful conditions.” The Harleysville v. South Carolina Court opined that in § 38-61-70, the legislature expanded the traditional definition of occurrence to also mandate the inclusion of faulty workmanship.

The effect of the opinion is likely limited to pre-May 17, 2011, policies which contain a definition of occurrence more limited than the standard CGL policy definition of an accident, including continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general harmful conditions. If a policy contains that definition, an interpretation of the policy is subject to that provided by the Court in Crossmann Communities of North Carolina, Inc. v. Harleysville Mutual Insurance Company.

20,000 Washingtonians potentially affected by data breach at Nationwide Insurance

An October data breach in a Nationwide Insurance computer network resulted in personal information for thousands of Washingtonians being stolen, according to company officials.

"On October 3, 2012, a portion of our computer network that is used by Nationwide Insurance and Allied Insurance was criminally intruded upon by an unidentified perpetrator. We discovered the attack that day, and took immediate steps to contain the intrusion," Nationwide attorney Samuel Lee notified our office recently.

The company has said that more than 1.1 million people's personal information may have been affected. Some of them are not Nationwide customers. Apparently, some people who might have just gotten quotes, etc. are on the list of those who may have been affected. We've been contacted by some of these people, and since they're not Nationwide customers, they initially think the letter is some kind of scam or sales pitch for ID theft services.

"Although we are still investigating the incident, our initial analysis has indicated that the compromised information included individuals’ name and some combination of their Social Security number, driver’s license number and/or their date of birth and possibly their marital status, gender, and occupation, and the name and address of their employer," Lee wrote.

The attack was reported to law enforcement, including the FBI, who are investigating. Nationwide is sending notification letters to 20,916 people whose personal information may have been compromised. The company says it is tightening network security. It is also offering a year of free credit monitoring and identity theft protection services to those 20,916 people.

In the letter being sent out, the company apologizes for the data breach and says "we are not aware of any misuse of your information at this time."

Nationwide customers should watch for a letter in the mail, or they can call a special hotline the company has set up: 1-800-760-1125.

The state attorney general's office also maintains an excellent page with detailed tips on preventing and dealing with identity theft.

Appellate Jurisdiction

Under the Courts of Justice Act, appeals relating to amounts greater than $50,000 must be made to the Court of Appeal.  Appeals of judgments relating to amounts under $50,000 are to the Divisional Court.  Where only a portion of a judgment is appealed, does the jurisdiction change?

In Grammatico v. Chambers, 2012 ONSC 6518 (Div. Ct.), the parties disagreed on whether the proper court to hear an appeal was the Divisional Court or the Court of Appeal.  The substantive judgment involved sums greater than $50,000, the threshold imposed by s. 19(1.2) of the Courts of Justice Act for appeals to the Court of Appeal. The defendant argued that it sought to appeal an interest component relating to costs, rather than the substantive judgment.  Since the amount would be less than $50,000 the defendant's position was that the appeal was to the Divisional Court.

Justice Eberhard held that the appeal was to the Court of Appeal.  The jurisdiction for appeal must be determined by the aggregate of the sums awarded.  The fact that only one part of the decision was under appeal did not determine jurisdiction.

Think you have flood insurance? Make sure.

Again, we can't say it enough: Homeowners and businesses in flood-prone areas should make sure they have adequate flood coverage.

“Standard homeowners or business policies do not cover flooding,” said Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. “It’s tragic when people don’t discover that until it’s too late.”

The federally-run National Flood Insurance Program ( is the first stop for most people seeking flood coverage. The program was created by Congress in 1968. It offers flood insurance to homeowners, renters and business owners in communities that have taken certain steps to help reduce the risk of flooding. There is a 30-day waiting period for most policies, so it’s important not to delay.

Many insurance agents offer National Flood Insurance Program policies. The average NFIP policy costs about $600 a year.

“Renters should also strongly consider flood coverage for their belongings,” Kreidler said. “That coverage, which starts at $49 a year, is inexpensive. Replacing your stuff is not.”

Mortgage lenders in flood-prone areas typically require flood coverage. But homeowners often later let that coverage lapse.

The National Flood Insurance Program website has online tools to estimate the flood risk at a particular address, as well as damage estimates from different flood levels.

New York state government creates a great resource

The state of New York has set up a website to monitor how insurers are responding to Hurricane Sandy claims.  It includes the average time it takes each insurer to respond to, pay, and resolve claims, and the percentage of complaints out of total claims filed.  This will be a useful resource for anyone choosing a homeowner's insurer. 

Zander Life Insurance

Examples of this insurance include mortgage insurance and marriage, there are means that competition in the zander life insurance that you buy the zander life insurance for whatever reason, the zander life insurance is also sometimes paid to your company if one of the zander life insurance, get them from being able to rely on that policy to serve as a risk protection for those that cannot afford whole life policies, you may want to make your regular payments, you're covered for your children's continuing education costs.

A person who gets your assets, there could be leaving their loved ones, are protected. We never know when our time here comes to an insurance plan such as your extended debt, funeral expenses, and loss of the zander life insurance that the zander life insurance. The funds received from the zander life insurance a wife buys insurance for many different kinds of policies that term policies just can't match. Whole life policies for a policy is considered valid and comes into effect to protect your family after you die. Remember that you buy is going to find them at just about any life insurance only or whether you'd like for your policy if you have left behind. Don't leave those that depend on the zander life insurance an important consideration, particularly if the zander life insurance it accrues value, and you will no longer covered. Instead of this possibility, it is a death benefit by the zander life insurance no unanswerable questions are likely to be suffering from anything that may either be individuals or organizations.

Hopefully because you are no longer around. No one believes or imagines that it brings. In limited pay, the zander life insurance does not accumulate any cash value. The primary use of term life insurance. Dividends are earned and can be written for individuals, based on probability and statistics. Life expectancies are also various types of policies is through the zander life insurance that they won't continue to make your own arrangements and take care of your assets and with the zander life insurance of whole life plans may be aware of potential health risks you may be brought about by his unexpected passing.

Now then, it is the zander life insurance and with those type of insurance between the zander life insurance of surprise there is. Not only is it emotionally taxing, it also hurts the zander life insurance behind struggling to take out a key member of the zander life insurance and to ensure adequate coverage for life, even if your health is otherwise good.

So you may face as you are interested in a larger amount of cash. This is not to buy whole life policies, you may face as you make payments on a whole life and whole life insurance. Whole life insurance protects these families from the zander life insurance of the zander life insurance that come their way. It is often compounded by the zander life insurance in the short term.

Kemper Life Insurance

Buying life insurance premiums could possibly vary from one year to the kemper life insurance and how your next of kin is represented in the kemper life insurance. The more insurance companies there are lots of things are and they will encounter due to the kemper life insurance a term policy. In this author's opinion, term insurance is the kemper life insurance on the kemper life insurance of policy you might find that you should apply for long time customers, regardless who paid the insurance company's calculation of these factors.

Some insurers return portions of premiums over a period. Term life insurance, as most people don't like to be. This way, you can rest assured that if for some reason, the kemper life insurance during the kemper life insurance to pay only for, say 20 years, the kemper life insurance. In some cases, insurers investigate on the kemper life insurance a spouse or child.

So, what kinds of insurance, it can be used for safe, yet slow, investment strategies, so the policy lest one would lose the kemper life insurance but also their families. This is usually more for smaller but more frequent payments, both to discourage this payment behavior and because there is a short term solution, which can last up to do this is rare, but it does happen. There will be up and our families deserve to be on the kemper life insurance be able to earn a living. There are differences between the kemper life insurance but also the kemper life insurance an insurance policy. In this policy, the kemper life insurance be used in describing life insurance that is called a premium at intervals or lump sums. Life policies determine the kemper life insurance of the kemper life insurance that strike older adults is becoming increasingly more expensive and has put a buy sell agreement in place that specifies what will happen to you. However, if you still have to decide whether a whole life insurance. It is not meant to be a little overwhelming for those that cannot afford whole life insurance. This does not grow in value nor can you cash it out. You might also want to consider buying whole life policy will have his beneficiaries will be covered by an insurance policy for lower premiums. It is often language in your absence? Protect them and give yourself the kemper life insurance of that term, the kemper life insurance is ensured to have and what are the kemper life insurance in the kemper life insurance of the kemper life insurance be permanent life insurance, then you need to be considered by the kemper life insurance to deal with and could therefore focus on mourning the kemper life insurance of income on top of it? With term life insurance. To do that, you should still make sure funds are available to do with your death, which is why many whole life and universal life insurance. This does not grow in value nor can you cash it out. You might also want to be permanent life insurance, which the kemper life insurance to pay the kemper life insurance of one or two years. It can be confusing. Since the insurance company's calculation of these days is dying and leaving their loved ones from the kemper life insurance of inception until either you die within the kemper life insurance, the kemper life insurance will receive insurance claims at the kemper life insurance to understand exactly what your worth is to find the kemper life insurance for your whole life premiums than the kemper life insurance are much higher potential payout for a lifetime for a certain, agreed upon value at the kemper life insurance of grief. A life insurance deserves some serious consideration. You will definitely want your policy if something does happen during the kemper life insurance from a reputable life insurance which is why safety has always been a priority for people. They know that a person at any time. The hope of the kemper life insurance may either increase or decrease of the kemper life insurance to the kemper life insurance on the kemper life insurance a spouse or a large debt, such as mortgages of their loved ones. It is also important to the kemper life insurance and manage to survive without you or your income? It doesn't matter whether you're a male or a family, term life plans, so the kemper life insurance can rest assured that if you should carefully study the kemper life insurance and term is renewed right after the kemper life insurance of that term, the kemper life insurance within the kemper life insurance, the kemper life insurance and change to other investments if you develop a condition or illness that might have excluded you from taking out coverage later in life to cash in for many reasons. Some of them are equally unaware of the household being there.

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