Medical worker sentenced to year in jail, $472k in insurance fraud case

Here's a press release we issued a few minutes ago:

A medical worker who pretended to be a doctor and submitted millions of dollars in bogus bills to insurance companies has been sentenced to a year in jail and $472,458 in restitution.

Kenneth R. Welling, 45, of Lake Forest Park, was sentenced Aug. 24 in King County Superior Court. He pleaded guilty to seven felony counts of theft in June.

“We found numerous cases in which Welling billed for surgeries that never happened,” said state Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. Kreidler’s office was tipped off to the scam when a patient complained, saying that Welling had tried to bill her insurer $89,000 for six surgeries that never took place.

Welling is a registered surgical technologist and sole proprietor of Shoreline, Wash.-based Alpine Surgical Services. His license allows him to perform tasks like preparing supplies and instruments, passing them to the surgeon and preparing basic sterile packs and trays. But after patients had procedures done, he would often submit large bills with codes listing himself as a doctor or physician’s assistant. He is neither. Sometimes he would include post-operative reports, listing himself as the surgeon.

No evidence was found to indicate that Welling was playing an improper role in actual medical care. The fraud involved billing.

“As far as we could tell, the only time he pretended to be a doctor was when he submitted bills,” said Kreidler.

In one woman’s case, Welling billed $140,323 as assisting surgeon for nine surgeries that never took place. Over a five-year period, he billed another woman’s insurer 107 times for 51 different surgeries, listing himself as the primary doctor. Hospital records show she’d only had surgery twice.

From 2004 through 2011, according to medical records obtained by Kreidler’s Special Investigations Unit, Welling billed five insurance companies at least $4.1 million for services he did not provide. He was paid $461,000.

“Part of the reason he got away with this for so long is that he’d rarely challenge an insurer who paid little or nothing,” said Kreidler. “He’d just send them the bills and hope they’d pay.”

Interesting story about how the Apollo 11 astronauts got life insurance

NPR has posted an interesting story about how the Apollo 11 astronauts sort of self-insured their lives when they headed for the moon.

Rather than try to get conventional life insurance, the three astronauts spent their spare moments during their month of pre-launch quarantine signing autographed envelopes, according to NPR's Chana Joffe-Walt. That way, if they died on their lunar adventure, their families could sell the autographs, which today command up to $30,000 at auction.

To make the autographs more valuable, each was on an envelope that a friend would have postmarked on key days, like the launch date and the date they landed on the moon. Writes Joffe-Walt:
It was life insurance in the form of autographs.
"If they did not return from the moon, their families could sell them — to not just fund their day-to-day lives, but also fund their kids' college education and other life needs," (space historian Robert) Pearlman said.
The life insurance autographs were not needed. Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon and came home safely. They signed probably tens of thousands more autographs for free.

The Summer of Stop-Loss

While this blog took the summer off, we have been keeping a close eye on the numerous developments related to stop-loss attachment point regulation.  Now that most of these developments have slowed down, at least for now, some exclusive reporting and commentary should be useful as those in the self-insurance industry (including those involved with employee benefit captives) take a collective breath.

 Pushed and prodded by a collection of health care reform advocates, federal regulators invited interested parties to submit written comments regarding the smaller insured group health plans facilitated by stop-loss insurance with “low” attachment points.

 About 150 comment letters have been submitted to date and the talking points are largely predictable. 

For the critics of self-insurance, the usual canards are widely repeated.  This request for information (RFI) process signaled a clear focus on self-insurance unlike anything that has been seen in recent years.  But the path forward remains unclear.

 That’s because the Affordable Care Act does not provide any explicit statutory authority for regulators to promulgate new rules relating to stop-loss insurance arrangements…yet that may not preclude action that could achieve the same objective.

 The HHS, DOL and/or Treasury Department (tri-agencies) could potentially rely on their general rule-making authority under ERISA or the Public Health Services Act, to play with definitions or to engage in other revisionist rule-making mischief.   The most likely scenario is that a new definition of a self-insured group health plan is crafted based on risk retention/risk transfer arrangements – thereby allowing the feds to indirectly regulate stop-loss insurance.

 So how serious is this potential threat?   The answer is complicated.

 In a private meeting with self-insurance industry representatives over the summer, a senior DOL official downplayed the prospects that any action is imminent or even likely, explaining that they felt the RFI was necessary for the agencies to get a better understanding of how the self-insurance marketplace operates in the real world.

 But conspicuously absent from the meeting, despite previously confirming their attendance, were senior HHS officials involved with the stop-loss RFI process.  This was notable because it is believed that HHS has the most aggressive regulatory agenda when it comes to self-insurance.  The Treasury Department was represented at the meeting but that agency has remained guarded about its interest and intent. 

 Any of the three agencies could initiate a rule-making process, but it is less likely if there is not a consensus among the three.

 So with that in mind, industry lobbyists have been making the rounds to congressional oversight committees to encourage that they become engaged on this issue and request that the agencies stand down now that the RFI process has been concluded and there is no “smoking gun” which would justify new regulatory action.

The most substantive meeting took place just a few weeks ago with the senior policy advisors for the Senate Finance Committee.  Given that the committee is chaired by Democratic Senator Max Baucus, who has been supportive of self-insurance in the past, it is best positioned to intervene.

The biggest push back by committee staffers was centered on the fact that the ACA does not require that self-insured employers cover essential health benefits (EHBs).   They argued that because of this “loophole” there is incentive for smaller employers to self-insurer, facilitated by stop-loss insurance with low attachment points, in order to be able to offer skimpy health care coverage as a way to save money.

Industry experts at the meeting, including executives from two leading TPAs, explained why this fear is unfounded for practical reasons.  It was then pointed out that while self-insured employers are not required to cover EHBs, they will be subject to “minimum value” requirements, which essentially accomplish the same public policy objective.

 But a final argument seemed to box in the Senate staffers.  Even if you concede the EHB “loophole” (which this blog does not), the fact is that the law was drafted in a very deliberate way to distinguish self-insured group health plans from health insurance carriers.  In this regard, any proposed changes should come back to Congress in the form of legislation as opposed to letting unelected regulators arbitrate substantive policy issues.

 The discussion was concluded with a formal request that Chairman Baucus consider exercising the committee’s oversight authority and communicate to the Treasury Department accordingly.   We understand that the request is still under consideration, so be sure to check back with this blog for updates.

Of course, the focus on self-insured plans with stop-loss insurance extends beyond Washington, DC. 

Many of our friends at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), have been led by the nose over the past year by health care reform advocates to take action on making it more difficult for smaller employers to self-insurer through tighter stop-loss attachment point regulation.

 At the NAIC summer meeting held a few weeks ago in Atlanta, the ERISA (B) Working Group considered a proposal to endorse “guideline amendments” to the current stop-loss insurance model act related to attachment point requirements. 

 Clearly aware of the blowback that would be directed at the NAIC if it took aggressive action that was seen to be disruptive to the health care marketplace, Working Group Chair Christina Goe of Montana tried to diffuse concerns by explaining the proposal is only advisory in nature and that the NAIC does not intend to formally amend the model act for a variety of procedural reasons.  And for good measure, committee members made it clear that they did not overstep their charge and attempt to redefine stop-loss insurance as health insurance.

 Well, it is certainly nice to hear this self-awareness of the limitations to their “charge,” but multiple federal court rulings have already confirmed that stop-loss insurance cannot be defined as health insurance, so no real favor here.

 And as far as considering a guideline amendment versus an amended model act, it’s a distinction without a meaningful difference.

 Of the 26 states that currently regulate stop-loss attachment points, only a few have adopted the model act without variation.  So it is unlikely that an amended model act would take root across the country any time soon.   No matter, as a simple NAIC recommendation on how states should regulate stop-loss attachment points could accomplish the same objective (restricting the ability of smaller employers to self-insure) much quicker.

That is because individual insurance commissioners who are already inclined to push stop-loss legislation in their states will use the NAIC recommendation as justification for action.  Given the technical nature of this issue, it’s easy to understand how this would be enough to persuade most state legislators to go along without asking too many questions.

 The NAIC working group deferred action on the proposal until its winter meeting, which in hindsight was predictable because insurance commissioners, like all political creatures, normally put off major policy decisions when Election Day looms.  Let the dust settle after November 6 and get ready for more action.

This brings us to California.

 As this blog has previously reported, the state’s insurance commissioner, Dave Jones, is a political creature who is interested in beefing up his credentials within the Democratic Party.  So it should not be surprising that he has come out as a major proponent of health care reform, and more specifically the establishment of California’s health insurance exchange, which is expected to come online in 2014.

 Self-insurance therefore became a target for political reasons every bit as much as for misinformed policy reasons in order for Commissioner Jones and his allies in the Legislature to claim credit for protecting the viability of the state’s health insurance marketplace as the exchange begins to be implemented.   A nice populist message for sure.

 One health care broker in California perhaps summed it up best when he referred to SB 1431 as the “California Health Insurance Exchange Protection Act of 2012.”

 Now that it has been confirmed that SB 1431 has been shelved, at least until a special session this December, we can look at the past as prologue.

The same stale arguments are certain to be dredged back up when some version of SB 1431 is brought back for consideration after the November elections, and the political posturing will be predictably crass.

 Equally unfortunate is that many stakeholders who will oppose SB 1431 “2.0” will likely concede the central principle once again of whether stop-loss attachment points should be regulated at all and immediately begin negotiating the numbers and formula.   Yes, political realities often dictate short term lobbying strategies based on compromise, but the longer view should not be ignored in this case.

It’s been a long hot summer for stop-loss insurance indeed, which has ended without much certainty for the future of the self-insurance marketplace.    We will see whether the coming autumn chill cools off the debate or if partisan health care reform advocates continue to overplay their hand.

Sept. 13 hearing set re: Sagicor Life's acquisition of PEMCO Life

Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has scheduled a hearing for Sept. 13 at 10 a.m. at his Tumwater, Wash. office to consider approval of Sagicor Life Insurance Company's request to acquire Washington-based PEMCO Life Insurance Company.

Sagicor Life is proposing to acquire all outstanding stock of PEMCO Life Insurance Company, and is also proposing to merge PEMCO Life with and into Sagicor Life at a later date after receiving approval of the acquisition.

PEMCO Life Insurance Company, which has been a Washington-based insurer since 1963, provides life and disability products to approximately 15 thousand Washington individual and group policyholders, and is wholly owned by its parent company, PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company. PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company is a mutual property and casualty insurer located in Seattle, WA and is licensed in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

Sagicor Life is a Texas-based insurer licensed in Texas to offer accident, health and life insurance and has been authorized to conduct life and disability insurance in Washington since 1961. Sagicor Life operates primarily in the US and is wholly-owned by Sagicor Financial Corporation. Sagicor Financial Corp. is a Barbados corporation which operates internationally in various European and Caribbean countries, and is publicly traded on the Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and London Stock Exchanges. Sagicor Financial Corp. had $142.6 million in US revenue in 2011, $1.35 billion in total revenue (both US and international) and 632,123 individual life policies in-force overall. As of December 31, 2011, Sagicor Financial Corp.’s consolidated stockholders’ equity was $797.5 million.

For more information, including how to submit letters of support or objection, please see the hearing notice.

Withdrawing Deemed Admissions

When will a party be permitted to withdraw deemed admissions arising from the failure to respond to a Request to Admit?

In Epstein Equestrian Enterprises Inc. v. Cyro Canada Inc., 2012 ONSC 4653 (S.C.J.), the plaintiff served a Request to Admit eleven days before trial was scheduled to begin in 2010.  Trial was adjourned initially for one week and then again until 2012.  One of the defendants, Jonkman, failed to respond to the Request to Admit.  Rule 51.02(1) provides that a party is deemed to admit the contents of a Request to Admit if it does not respond to it within 20 days after it is served.  Jonkman sought to either set aside the Request to Admit or to withdraw the admissions.

Justice Morgan held that even though the Request to Admit was not served 20 days before trial, once the trial was adjourned and did not start for 20 days, the deeming provision applied. The main issue therefore centred on whether Jonkman was entitled to withdraw its admissions. The court may grant leave to withdraw the admissions if the following conditions are met:

  1. The proposed change raises a triable issue;
  2. There is a reasonable explanation for the change of position; and
  3. The withdrawal will not result in any prejudice that cannot be compensated for in costs. (citing Antipas v. Coroneos, 1988 CarswellOnt 358)
Justice Morgan permitted the admissions to be withdrawn. At the time the Request was served, Jonkman was basically without legal representation as its counsel was in the process of being removed from the record. It had instructed counsel not to respond to the Request to Admit.  It subsequently brought a coverage application and was now being defended by an insurer.  The plaintiff supported the coverage application and must have understood that if coverage was achieved, a defence would be pursued. Jonkman's new counsel and insurer were unaware of the Request Admit and it would be unable to defend itself if the admissions stood.  The coverage application had been settled, and Justice Morgan speculated that the insurer's position may have been different had it known that Jonkman had effectively deprived itself of a defence by failing to respond to a wide ranging Request to Admit.

Justice Morgan was of the view that any prejudice to the plaintiff would not be inordinate as a trial would have been needed to canvas issues with the co-defendant in any event. The plaintiff further argued it was prejudiced as it had entered into a Pierringer Agreement with the remaining defendants and was concerned Jonkman would attempt to pin liability on those parties at trial. Justice Morgan held that the plaintiff had previously assumed Jonkman was insolvent when it entered the settlement and so this factor was to the plaintiff's benefit not prejudice.  The admissions were withdrawn.

Insurance tips: What to know before renting your home/boat/etc.

We get a number of calls from folks who rent out their homes, vacation cabins, vacant lakefront sites, boats, RVs, motorcycles, etc. to others every once in a while. They want to know if that affects their insurance.

It very well could. Here's why: When property is rented, that's considered a business activity. And that can affect any existing coverage for property damage and liability protection.

There may also be coverage limitations or exclusions built into the policy that activated by your renting the property.

We recommend that you talk to your agent or the insurer before you rent, so you're not left personally responsible for property damage costs or legal costs in a lawsuit stemming from renting the property.

Do I have "minimal essential" insurance coverage?

As part of health care reform, starting in January 2014 most Americans will need to have “minimum essential” health insurance coverage or face a tax penalty.

We've gotten a number of calls from consumers wondering if their current health coverage qualifies. (In particular, a number of people who get their medical care through the Veterans Administration have called to check.)

In many cases, the answer is yes. Many existing plans qualify as minimal essential health insurance coverage. Here are some examples:
• Medicare Part A

• Health programs administered by Washington state (such as Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program)

• TriCare

• Coverage through the Veteran’s Administration

• Coverage from an employer, regardless of whether the employer is a government agency, a private-sector employer, or an Indian tribe.

• A individual plan (i.e. a plan that you buy on your own directly from a health insurance company).

“Hole-in-Won” Golf tournament insurer charged with felonies after not paying up

OLYMPIA, Wash. _ A Connecticut businessman who specializes in insurance for golf tournament hole-in-one prizes has been charged with multiple felonies after repeatedly failing to pay up.

Kevin Kolenda, of Norwalk, Conn., was charged Wednesday in King County Superior Court with five counts of transacting insurance without a license, a class B felony. His arraignment is slated for Sept. 5.

Kolenda, 54, ignored a previous cease-and-desist order and a $125,000 fine from state Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler.

“We’ve been warning the public about Mr. Kolenda’s scam for years,” said Kreidler, whose Special Investigations Unit did the investigation that led to the charges. “He has a long history of selling illegal insurance, refusing to pay prize winners, and thumbing his nose at regulators.”

In some cases, charities have had to come up with the prize money. In others, the prize winners agreed to forego a prize.

Kolenda in 1995 started a business called Golf Marketing, working out of a home his parents owned in Norwalk. Since then, the business’ name has changed several times, including: Golf Marketing Worldwide LLC, Golf Marketing Inc.,, and currently Worldwide. The company also has a regional office in Rye, N.Y.

Kolenda has repeatedly failed to pay winning golfers in Washington. Among them:

• In 2003, Kolenda illegally sold insurance for a tournament in Bremerton. But when a golfer got a hole in one and tried to claim the $10,000 prize, Kolenda wouldn’t pay.
• In 2004, Kolenda sold insurance for a Vancouver tournament. Again, a golfer got a hole in one. Kolenda refused to pay the $50,000 prize. After a hearing at which Kolenda failed to appear, he was ordered in 2008 to pay a $125,000 fine. He never did.
• In 2010, Kolenda sold coverage to pay $25,000 for a hole in one during a golf tournament in Snohomish. A player got a hole in one. His golf partners signed notarized forms attesting to the hole in one. The prize remains unpaid, despite numerous calls and emails from the partners and tournament officials.
Similar allegations have been made against Mr. Kolenda and/or his business in numerous other states, including Montana, Ohio, Georgia, California, New York, Hawaii, Alabama, Massachusetts, Florida, Connecticut and North Carolina.


There are folks who compile intersections with the most injury auto accidents. Here is a list that is often pointed to.  How close do you live to these?

Summer Avenue and Sycamore View Road in Memphis

Winchester Road and Riverdale Road in Memphis

Winchester Road and Mendenhall Road in Memphis

Winchester Road and Kirby Parkway in Memphis

Winchester Road and Hickory Hill Road in Memphis

State Line Road and Riverdale Road in Memphis

Hacks Cross Road and Lowrance Road (near Bill Morris Parkway) in Memphis

Houston Levee Road and Walnut Grove Road in Cordova

Houston Levee Road and Macon Road in Cordova

Macon Road and Collierville-Arlington Road in Collierville

I would add the following:

Austin Peay and Covington Pike/Singleton in front of Methodist North in Memphis.

Germantown Road at Trinity in Memphis.

Watkins at U.S. Highway 51 in Frayser.

385 Paul Barrett Parkway at U.S. Highway 51 in Millington, Tn.

Where would you add?


Would you like to have a super power that makes it virtually impossible for someone to trick you out of your hard-earned money?
Here are four secrets that are absolutely like kryptonite to scammers.

1. Say, “I am not buying today,” and mean it.  Walk away from high-pressure sellers who tell you that you must make a decision right away. You and I have made our worst decisions when we are in a hurry and under heavy sales pressure.  Never make a decision in those conditions!  Getting second and third opinions, along with extra time and advice from others, will usually stop the high pressure sales guys and they will move on to scam an easier victim.  My mother gets rid of high pressure folks easily because she says, “Just talk to my son, David, he’s the attorney.”  Whether it is a used car salesman, a timeshare hawker, an air conditioning repairman, or a financial services representative, move slowly and do not agree to anything you do not understand or feel pressure to do. “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:4.  When it comes to business and motorcycles, speed hurts.

2. Realize “You can’t get something for nothing.” Ignore letters or emails that ask you to help transfer money into your bank account from Nigeria or to wire money out of the country. You did not win a Canadian lottery you cant’ recall even entering. If it seems too good to be true, it is! Never pay money upfront to get a loan or win a lottery or sweepstakes. Real places never require you to send money to them.  Don’t cash checks you get in the mail along with a letter or call that tells you you’ve won an unexpected prize. The checks are fakes. We should not even want something that is a get rich quick gimmick. “Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.” Proverbs 13:11. When it comes to scams, greedy folks are often both the victims and the scammers.

3. “Don’t tell anyone your business.” Never, ever give your social security number, passwords, date of birth, bank account or credit card information to those who call, or email you. If someone calls “from your bank” or a credit card company seeking this information, hang up and call them at a number you already have that you know is correct.  You will find that both your bank and your credit card company know all those secret things about you, and a lot more, and will not be calling to get that information from you.  “Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.” Proverbs 2:11. When it comes to personal information, loose lips sink ships.

4. “Don’t promise away tomorrow.” Scammers are not always out to do you harm. Some just always see you as a payday. Someone in your own family may be a black hole that just absorbs money. They are always broke, and always behind on something that it is just critical. I notice it is always someone else’s fault: the car repair guy, the baby’s doctor or the mean landlord who won’t cut them a break. They just need someone to co-sign a loan, and all their problems will disappear. Besides, they will say, they will pay it back. Please never co-sign a loan that you are not willing and able to easily pay in full without a hint of repayment. “It is poor judgment to co-sign a friend’s note, to become responsible for a neighbor’s debts.”  Proverbs 17:18.  When it comes to co-signing, there is always a reason that they need your good credit.
These four secrets, grounded in the Good Book, will keep you from being such an easy victim. For more tips, see my website.

Action Dismissed for Failing to Comply with Municipal Act Notice Requirement

Argue v. Tay (Township), 2012 ONSC 4622 (CanLii)

A municipality was recently successful in having a case dismissed based on the failure of the plaintiff to comply with s. 44(10) of the Municipal Act.  The section requires written notice be given to the clerk within ten days of the incident.  Section 44(12) provides that the failure to give notice can be excused if the plaintiff has a reasonable excuse and the defendant is not prejudiced by the lack of notice.

In Argue v. Tay (Township), the plaintiff alleged she sustained soft tissue injuries in a motor vehicle accident caused by potholes in the defendant municipality's road.  She provided written notice through her lawyer almost two years after the incident.  By that time, the surface of the road had changed materially.  The plaintiff argued the municipality had either actual or constructive knowledge of the accident as the municipal volunteer fire department attended the scene and would have received a copy of the police report.  The municipality brought a summary judgment motion seeking to have the action dismissed for failing to comply with the Municipal Act notice requirement.

DiTomaso J. held the plaintiff did not comply with the notice requirements.  Section 44(10) requires written notice be given to the clerk and the fact that the fire department attended or may have received a copy of the police report was insufficient to comply with the section.  There is no support in the jurisprudence that actual or construction notice pre-empts the requirement to give written notice to the clerk, and the section cannot be dispensed with in favour of notice to a different municipal department.

The plaintiff had no reasonable excuse for the failure to give notice.  She was discharged from hospital the same day as the accident, had no broken bones and was able to return to work two to three weeks after the accident.  She was aware people could bring lawsuits and believed the state of the road contributed to the accident, yet took no steps to inform herself about the law.  She was physically and mentally able to instruct counsel. 

The municipality had been prejudiced by the lack of notice.  There is a presumption of prejudice where notice has not been provided and the plaintiff bears the onus of showing there was no prejudice.  She failed to do so.  Neither she nor the municipality had photos or measurements of the road, the condition of the road had changed materially since the accident and the municipality had lost the opportunity to interview witnesses.  As a result, summary judgment was granted.

Argue is a useful summary of the relevant authorities relating to s. 44(12). Those defending municipal claims with notice issues should consider whether it would be useful to bring a summary judgment motion in the circumstances.

"Auto accidents have decreased. Why did my insurance rates go up?"

Q: I read that auto accidents in Washington state have decreased, as have accident-related deaths. But my insurance premium just went up 15 percent. What's going on?

A: As Washington state's insurance regulator, we do our best to hold down insurance costs. But there are things other than accident rates that can affect your auto insurance premiums. Theft rates, auto glass costs, health care costs (for injuries in a crash) can all play a role. So can the fact that modern vehicles, with more airbags, high-strength steel and sophisticated safety features can be more expensive to repair.

Rates are driven by insurers' actual claim payments, administration costs and the company's cost and loss projections for the near future.

Statute of Limitations on Patient Records for Minors

Post by Jack Griffeth
The South Carolina Physicians' Patient Records Act provides SECTION 44-115-120: Length of time records must be kept; records pertaining to minors. It details the length of time records must be kept. Here is a refresher on the rules of the Act.

Physicians shall retain their records for at least 10 years for adult patients and at least 13 years for minors. These minimum recordkeeping periods begin running from the last date of treatment. After these minimum record keeping periods, the records may be destroyed.

The South Carolina Physicians' Patient Records Act does not address the statute of limitations questions with regard to minors, particularly those under age six. The statute does not contemplate the South Carolina three year statue of limitations within which a civil suit may be brought, including a medical malpractice case for minors.  A minor has three years from the date of the incident/maltreatment  OR  one year past the age of majority - whichever is longer - to file suit. The 13 year rule does always  preserve evidence which may be needed later. 

If an incident occurs to a 13 year old, the statute of limitations expires on the minor's 19 birthday.  If an incident happens to a 17 year old, that minor has three years from the date of the incident to file suit,: both these instances are covered by the 13 year rule under §44-115-120.

But what about minors six years old and younger – the statute of limitations does not expire until their 19 birthday. Take for example a three year old – the 13 year records requirement falls short of the statute of limitations.  My advice is that medical providers should not to be governed by the 13 year rule for minors but should opt for the safe course as follows: 
· a) identify each minor's chart and flag it (literally or in computer) 
· b) note the date of last treatment 
· c) note the minor's birthday, and make the calculation above of concerning the statute of limitations (three years or one year past majority); and,
· d) index to destroy 150 days thereafter or 13 years after the date of last treatment, whichever is longer. 
The reason for this is that a suit is commenced by "filing" within the statute of limitations, but a party has an additional 120 days to serve the lawsuit. Consequently, you could possibly have suit filed within the statute of limitations and not know it until you are served 120+ days later. 

Appeals Court holds that threats by landlord on premises is not invasion of the right of private occupancy of the premises

James Freedman leased property to Encarnacion and her husband. Encarnacion used the property for an auto body shop.  When she fell behind on her rent Freedman made threatening and harassing phone calls to Encarnacion, including "threatening to have his wife come to the premises and beat her up."  He also harassed and threatened her on the premises.

Encarnacion feared for her safety and began to suffer from anxiety attacks for which she received medical treatment. 

Encarnacion filed suit against Freedman, seeking a restraining order and alleging negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress and interference with business relations.

Freedman sought coverage from his commercial liability insurer, USL, asserting that the claim came within the policy's coverage for personal and advertising injury because it alleged invasion of the right of private occupancy of the premises.  USL denied coverage.

In Freedman v. U.S. Liab. Ins. Co., 82 Mass App. Ct. 331 (2012), the court noted that in the underlying complaint Encarnacion did not complain of Freedman's appearance on her premises as landlord, or deny his right to be there.  Therefore, the complaint was not for an invasion of the right of private occupancy.

Rather, the complaint was based on Freedman's harassing and threatening behavior while on the premises.  Without going into details, the court held that the complaint came within the exclusion for actions made by or at the direction of the insured "with the knowledge that the act would violate the rights of another and would inflict 'personal and advertising injury.'"

Why it's important to read "whole life" policy annual statements

Q: I just got the annual statement for my "whole life" insurance policy. Should I just toss this, or do I really need to read this thing?

A: You should read it. Here's why: With whole life insurance, the monthly cost of insurance increases as you get older. If you have a loan against your policy, or if you chose a low premium option, then at some point the current level of premiums won't be enough to keep the policy in effect, and it will end.

By reading your policy's annual statement on a regular basis, you'll be able to increase the amount you're paying in premiums so that you can prevent this from happening.

Former state insurance commissioner Dick Marquardt has died

Dick Marquardt Sr., who served as the state's insurance commissioner from 1977 to 1993, died Aug. 9th in Seattle.

Idaho-born Marquardt was the 6th of the eight people who've served as insurance commissioner since 1909. He was a University of Washington graduate, served in the Army during World War II, and worked as a longtime fuel-oil company executive.

He was appointed by then-Gov. Dan Evans to head the state's selective service system, and he also served a term as state senator representing District 45 in King County.

He served four terms as insurance commissioner, and continued to work as a consultant well into his 80s. He was an avid golfer, and loved baseball.

There's a long and touching obituary in the Seattle Times. From it:
Dick was the beloved patriarch of his large family. He was a devoted and proud husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, and great-great grandfather.
A private service is planned at a later date.

Also from the obituary:
He leaves behind a legacy of integrity, hard work, humor, unconditional love, and pure enjoyment of the good things in life. He will be greatly missed by all who were lucky enough to know him. Dad, you were unforgettable.

Insurance claims help, donations, and other resources re: the Taylor Bridge wildfire

As fire crews work to rein in the Taylor Bridge fire, some families are being allowed back in to check on their homes, dozens of which have been lost in the first this week. Here are some tips and resources for those who lost property in the blaze.

  • Kittitas County Emergency Services is collecting information on the amount of losses in order to determine if federal disaster assistance will be available. Whether insured or not, it's important that the losses be documented. (Note: The website seems to be offline or overwhelmed; we've had a lot of difficulty opening the page this morning.)

  • According to the DOT, the contractor on the bridge project has set up a process for claims that potentially would be addressed by the contractor's insurer. The phone number provided by the contractor is 1-800-238-6225 for Travelers Insurance.

  • Insurance claims: For those with insurance, we have these tips about how homeowners and others can expedite their insurance claims. It's important to know that many standard homeowners' policies include some coverage for living expenses -- like a motel -- for folks who lose their homes. That's definitely something to check with your insurer or agent right away. And save receipts for everything, including meals and laundry, that might be relevant. If you need help or run into problems with your insurer, call us at 1-800-562-6900 or email us at and we'll do our best to help.

  • For those seeking updates or emergency shelter information, the state Emergency Management Division has information. Governor Gregoire has proclaimed a state of emergency in both Kittitas and Yakima counties to free up additional firefighting resources. 

  • If you want to make donations to the many fire victims -- including livestock that had to be evacuated -- please see this donation information from the state Emergency Management Division. It sounds like donation sites have been overwhelmed with stuff; they're now asking that people consider donating money instead. The link above includes numerous local and state organizations trying to help the fire victims.

Costs of Compliance Are Not Defence Costs

At what point do costs of compliance become defence costs?

GE sought a declaration that its insurer, Aviva, had a duty to defend it in respect of a request by the Ministry of the Environment to provide information regarding contaminated groundwater near a property once owned by GE.  The Ministry asked GE to delineate the source area on its property.  GE did not oppose the request and incurred significant costs in complying.  GE argued that the costs associated with complying with the Ministry’s request were defence costs and therefore were payable under its insurance policy.  The application judge dismissed the application and GE appealed.

The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal.

One of the key factors was that GE did not oppose, defend or investigate the Ministry’s request.  Since it voluntarily complied with the request, it did not suffer any defence or investigation costs.  The Court held that the costs incurred were compliance costs, not defence costs, and therefore were not covered by the policy.

Is it possible to OVER-insure my home?

Yes. If you think your home is over-insured, ask your agent or insurer when they last made a replacement cost calculation specific to your home. These are done by insurers to figure out what it would cost if they had to rebuild your home after a major covered loss. (Like your home burning down.) If the information used in the calculation is wrong, you can end up with an insured value that's too low or too high.

Your tax assessment value, by the way, is not the value used for insurance purposes. The insurer needs to use a value that reflects an actual and realistic rebuild cost.

Also, your home insurance policy should not have the value of the land included as part of the dwelling coverage. Land is not considered to be insurable property on a home policy.

Wildfire near Cle Elum has reportedly burned 60 homes

A wildfire near Cle Elum, Wash. has reportedly burned 60 homes and 26,000 acres, with summer dryness and high winds making firefighters' jobs difficult.

The Seattle Times has posted some pretty scary photos of local homeowners and ranchers watching the wildfire approach. And the North Kittitas County Tribune is posting a running log of fire news, including a phone number for local evacuation information. The state has also activated its emergency operations center.

Our hearts go out to the victims, and we're monitoring the situation closely. Fire victims should contact their insurer or agent as soon as possible to start the claims process. Many policies include some coverage for emergency shelter, such as motels, if a home is uninhabitable. Our consumer advocacy staff (1-800-562-6900) will be available to help fire victims if they have trouble filing insurance claims.

Here are some more tips:
  • Cooperate fully with the insurer. Ask what documents forms and data you'll need to file a claim. Keep a journal of all conversations, including who you talked with and when.
  • Ask your insurer about additional living expenses if your home is destroyed. Save all relevant receipts.
  • Take photos or video of the damage.
  • If there's a disagreement about a claim, talk to the insurer. Ask the company to cite specific language in the policy. If you need help, call our office at 1-800-562-6900.
  • If the insurer's offer seems too low, be prepared to negotiate to get a fair settlement.
If you're not affected by the blaze but live in a wildfire-prone area -- and much of the eastern part of the state is very dry right now -- here's a list of tips to prepare and protect your home.

And here's a handy pdf document that will help you get started on a home inventory, which can be a big help in filing an insurance claim after a disaster. You can also use a video camera or one of several smartphone apps to do the same thing.

Are YOU Making A Legal Mistake?


In speaking to churches and civic groups, I hear and see mistakes that regular folks are making that can hurt their family.

1. Carrying “Only Liability” is a BIG MISTAKE.  I know that auto insurance is expensive, and UM is not legally required, but always make sure you have plenty of Uninsured Motorists (UM) Coverage. Even on your old cars, or the bike you hardly ever ride.  UM covers you, your family or passengers from injuries caused by unknown, uninsured, or underinsured at fault drivers.  These type of drivers cause many more crashes than others, and are often drunk drivers.  You get to select the amount to insure you and your family for, and it is NOT expensive compared to what you may get.  I recommend at least $100,000 worth.

2. Buying things as “investments” that are not worth it. While there are examples of people having some success with the following items, most folks I talk to really regret buying investments that do not usually appreciate in value.  These often include timeshares, whole life insurance, universal life insurance and many popular collectables.

3. Co-signing.  If you are asked to co-sign a loan, you might be flattered. Another way to look at it is this: No one trusts them enough to loan them money, so instead your home, assets and good name will be risked so they can get something that cannot earn themselves. Consider the following verses:
a. Proverbs 17:18: One who lacks sense gives a pledge and puts up security in the presence of his neighbor.
b. Proverbs 22:26-27: Be not one of those who give pledges, who put up security for debts. If you have nothing with which to pay, why should your bed be taken from under you?
c. Proverbs 6:1-35: My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, have given your pledge for a stranger, if you are snared in the words of your mouth, caught in the words of your mouth, then do this, my son, and save yourself, for you have come into the hand of your neighbor: go, hasten, and plead urgently with your neighbor. Give your eyes no sleep and your eyelids no slumber; save yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the hand of the fowler. ...

4. Fearful or hasty decisions. While it is not technically a legal mistake, making decisions from a place of fear or in a hurry is almost always a bad call. Fear is what makes people often pay too much for a “new” car because they are afraid of a “used” one.  Being in a hurry is what high-pressure sales guys rely on to make you sign a deal fast.  The old saying- “Think long, think wrong” is itself – Wrong!  Be the person who takes advice, and seeks wisdom before you make a decision. Be the person who gets a second or even a third opinion.  Whether it is surgery, a new air conditioner or a car repair, get more advice.

These mistakes can be very expensive.  Seek counsel and move slowly.  A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. ~Proverbs 1:5.

You bought a new car? How soon do you need to tell your insurance company?

Q: I bought a new car a week ago, but I didn't want to call my insurance company yet, since I know my premium will go up. How long can I wait?

A: Do not wait. We're not kidding about this. Some auto insurance policies limit automatic coverage for a new or replacement vehicle to 14 days after purchase. Some others allow up to 30 days.

Here's why it's not worth the risk: If you wreck your new car and your claim is denied, you'll be out a lot more money than you saved on the premium.

The upshot: immediately contact your agent or insurer to add the vehicle and update your coverage.

Interested in another perspective . . .

. . . on insurance coverage issues?

Dennis Wall, a solo practitioner in Florida, has an excellent blog called Insurance Claims and Issues.  He discusses both liability and medical insurance issues, and recent case law from around the country.    

Woman charged with insurance fraud after pawning ring and claiming it was lost

A Snohomish County Woman has been charged for claiming that she'd lost a diamond ring that she had actually pawned.

The Attorney General's Office has chaged Laura Anne Dunn with attempted first-degree theft and insurance fraud. Arraignment is scheduled for Aug. 23 in Snohomish County Superior Court.

In January, Dunn told her insurer, Liberty Mutual Insurance, that she'd lost her ring during a New Year's Eve stay at a casino. The ring was valued at more than $9,000.

Investigators for Liberty Mutual checked with the casino's security staff, which had no record of Dunn reporting her ring missing. They asked Dunn to provide a number of records, including all photographs taken during her stay at the casino.

The investigators also checked pawnshop records. They discovered that Dunn had actually pawned the ring back in September 2011. In fact, the ring was still at the pawnshop until she picked it up in mid-March 2012.

Two weeks after she filed the claim, Dunn sent a note to Liberty Mutual.

"I have been extremely lucky," she wrote, saying that she'd found the ring snagged in a glove. "...Thanks for your time and effort on my behalf."

The following day, the insurer's investigators visited a local pawnshop, where they found and photographed the ring that Dunn had reported missing. They closed the claim and reported the case to Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler's Special Investigations Unit, which specializes in insurance fraud cases.

Update: On Dec. 19, 2012, Dunn pleaded guilty to attempted first degree theft. She was sentenced to 80 hours of community service and $600 in costs.

"Hobo Prince Economic Project" founder fined $1 million by Oregon regulators

Back in April, we issued a cease and desist order against Shelby H. Bell, a man who runs the "Hobo Prince Economic Project."

The Clark County, Wash. man was promising people seven years' worth of weekly $900 payouts in exchange for a $25 signup fee. He maintained that each person’s contract would be financed through a complex series of transactions, including issuance of a $500,000 “reverse” insurance policy purchased with a $25,000 payment from an unnamed bank.

Since he wasn't licensed to transact insurance at all in Washington, Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler ordered Bell to stop trying to sign people up for this highly dubious offer. (We subsequently received numerous calls from people across the country who'd signed up for the plan and blamed us for dashing their hopes of a big payout.)

Yesterday, the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services fined Bell $1 million, saying that none of Bell's investors have apparently made any money.

"Bell in less than a year attracted more than $187,000 from at least 7,480 people in multiple states and U.S. territories," the department said in a press release, accusing Bell of "offering false hope to thousands of people."

"Bell claimed to be worth billions with backing from the U.S. Treasury through an International Bill of Exchange, which actually has no value," Oregon regulators continued. "Also, investigators determined that Bell used investors’ money to pay for food, movie tickets, a vehicle, and other personal expenses."

Here's a link to Oregon's order.

The Importance of Objecting to an Improper Jury Charge

Vokes Estate v. Palmer, 2012 ONCA 510 (C.A.)

This appeal decision illustrates the importance of objecting to a judge's charge to the jury, as well as the difficulty in overturning jury verdicts on appeal.

The case involved a fatal motor vehicle accident.  The defendant appealed the jury`s verdict, arguing that the trial judge failed to properly charge the jury with respect to s. 139(1) of the Highway Traffic Act (concerning the duty owed by the deceased on entering a highway) and failed to instruct the jury on the proper range of damages for loss of care, guidance and companionship.  The defendant also argued the jury award was gross and excessive.

The trial judge advised that he intended to charge the jury by omitting the words underlined below.

That section therefore imposes a very positive duty on Michelle Vokes in this case, breach of which would clearly constitute negligence. On the other hand, this positive duty on Ms. Vokes does not relieve Mr. Palmer who was operating his motor vehicle on the [through] highway from exercising ordinary care in the circumstances.

Counsel for the defendant did not object to the charge and in fact described the charge as an
“exercise in perfection”.  The Court of Appeal held that while the failure to object is not fatal, in most cases, an alleged misdirection or non-direction will not result in a new trial unless a substantial wrong or miscarriage of justice has occurred.

The remainder of the appeal was also dismissed, as under s. 118 of the Courts of Justice Act the judge may give a range of damages, but is not obligated to do so.  In addition, the threshold for overturning a jury`s award of damages is very high.  The assessment must be so inordinately high as to constitute a wholly erroneous assessment of the loss of care, guidance and companionship, which was not the case. 

What's the "Washington Fair Plan?"

Q: My home (or business) insurance has been canceled, and the cancellation notice refers to the Washington Fair Plan. What is that?

A: The Washington Fair Plan was established in 1968 to provide basic property insurance to consumers who could not obtain property insurance in the voluntary, or standard insurance market. Although many years have passed and the home insurance market of today offers many options for home insurance, the Fair Plan still exists and functions under the rules and regulations of our office.

Participation in this program is mandatory for all property insurers in Washington. All companies writing property insurance are members of the Fair Plan. Every insurance agent or broker who is licensed to write property insurance in Washington is required to know about and help consumers if they want the services of the Fair Plan.

The Fair Plan application may only be completed by a licensed insurance agent, and must be signed by the agent and the applicant. Basic fire insurance coverage may be provided for dwelling and commercial risks.

Although you will need to have a licensed insurance agent file an application on your behalf, you may still get coverage information directly from the FAIR Plan.

Court holds duty to pay not triggered where liability insured not liable to a 3rd party

S.C. Appellate Court Holds Insurer’s Duty to Pay Not Triggered Where Insured as to Liability Coverage Not Liable to a Third Party

On August 1, 2012, the South Carolina Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court, holding that BMW was an insured only as to liability coverage, not comprehensive coverage, and therefore was not afforded coverage where it was not liable to a third party due to the damage caused to the vehicles.

Post by Logan Wells
In BMW of North America, LLC v. Complete Auto Recon Services, Inc. and Colony Insurance Co., BMW of North America entered into a service agreement with Complete Auto Recon Services (CARS) that stated CARS would provide washing and maintenance services on a fleet of BMW vehicles used at a BMW test track. One of CARS’s employees left the windows to six BMW vehicles open during a severe rainstorm, resulting in property damage totaling $601,720.

Colony Insurance Co. had issued a Garage Insurance Policy to CARS under which CARS was the only named insured. The policy included both liability and garage keepers coverage. Under liability, the coverage included "all sums an 'insured' legally must pay as damages because of 'bodily injury' or 'property damage' to which [the insurance applied] caused by an 'accident' and resulting from 'garage operations' other than the ownership, maintenance or use of covered 'autos'" and "all sums an 'insured' legally must pay as damages because of 'bodily injury' or 'property damage' to which [the insurance applied] caused by an 'accident' and resulting from 'garage operations' involving the ownership, maintenance or use of 'covered autos.'" Within the garage keepers coverage, the policy provided for two different types of coverage labeled "comprehensive" and "collision." Generally, the garage keepers coverage provided:

[The insurer will] pay all sums the "insured" legally must pay as damages for "loss" to a "customer's auto" or "customer's auto" equipment  left in the "insured's" care while the "insured" is attending, servicing, repairing, parking or storing it in your "garage operations" under:
a.         Comprehensive Coverage From Any Cause Except:
(1)        The "customer's auto's" collision with another object; or
(2)        The "customer's auto's" overturn . . .
c.         Collision Coverage Caused By:
(1)        The "customer's auto's" collision with another object; or
(2)        The "customer's auto's" overturn.

The Policy also included an endorsement naming BMW as an additional insured;
Under LIABILITY COVERAGE WHO IS AN INSURED is changed to include [BMW], but only for liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance and use of that part of the described premises which is leased to [CARS].
The endorsement did not mention any other types of coverage, nor did the Policy include any further endorsements with respect to BMW.

BMW filed a claim for the damage to the six vehicles with Colony. Colony investigated and declined to make payment. BMW sent two subsequent letters requesting Colony pay the claim, citing reprimands issued to two CARS employees and sufficient notice of the severe storms. Colony again denied BMW’s claim. BMW then filed suit against CARS and Colony. As to Colony, BMW alleged breach of an insurance contract and bad faith refusal to pay. Colony counterclaimed asking the court to enter a declaratory judgment stating Colony owed no duty to BMW with regard to the damaged vehicles.

Colony moved for summary judgment arguing it owed no duty to BMW because BMW’s coverage under the policy was limited to third party liability coverage, and BMW was not liable to a third party for the damage to the vehicles. BMW responded arguing that (1) because BMW was listed as an additional insured in the policy and the policy included comprehensive coverage, Colony owed a duty to BMW; (2) the policy language was ambiguous and should be interpreted in favor of coverage; (3) an interpretation that BMW was only afforded liability coverage under the policy would render it meaningless as to BMW; and (4) even without a breach of the policy, Colony could still be liable for a bad faith claim. The trial court granted Colony’s motion for summary judgment.


On appeal, BMW argued the policy showed CARS was paying premiums for comprehensive coverage under the garage keepers coverage, which was separate and distinct from any liability premiums CARS paid, and BMW was an additional insured to that coverage. BMW further contended that the policy was ambiguous as to the comprehensive coverage. The court disagreed, finding that under the unambiguous language of the policy, BMW was only an insured for purposes of liability coverage: 

We find the trial court did not err in determining BMW was not afforded coverage under the Policy as to the Vehicles. BMW is not a named insured on the Policy itself. As a result, the Policy as a whole does not initially cover BMW as an insured. However, BMW is added to the Policy by way of an endorsement to the Policy. This endorsement, however, which is the only way BMW under the policy could be an insured, provides only liability coverage. Importantly, the endorsement makes no mention of comprehensive coverage. Additionally, the endorsement specifically provides, "The provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by the endorsement." Thus, because "WHO IS AN INSURED" as to the comprehensive coverage was not modified by the endorsement, the original form applies, meaning only CARS, the named insured, is entitled to that coverage. Therefore, according to the plain language of the Policy, BMW is only an insured as to liability.
Accordingly, the court found that, in order for Colony’s duty to pay BMW as an insured to be triggered, BMW must have first been liable to a third party for the damage to the vehicles:

Because BMW is only an insured as to liability coverage under the Policy, for Colony's duty to pay BMW as an insured to be triggered, BMW must have first been liable to some third party. See Trancik v. USAA Ins. Co., 354 S.C. 549, 554, 581 S.E.2d 858, 861 (Ct. App. 2003) (stating liability insurance contracts are generally contracts "whereby the insurer . . . agrees to pay the insured . . . the amount of any damages the insured may become legally liable to pay to a third party"); see also Black's Law Dictionary 997 (9th ed. 2009) (defining liability as "[t]he quality or state of being legally obligated or accountable; legal responsibility to another"). BMW failed to present any evidence tending to show it was in any way liable to a third party due to the damage caused to the Vehicles. Further, in BMW's response to Colony's request for admissions, BMW admitted no one had filed suit against it regarding damage to the Vehicles.
Thus, the court found the trial court did not err in determining the policy did not afford BMW coverage with respect to the damaged vehicles.

Bad Faith

BMW also argued the trial court erred in granting Colony’s summary judgment motion as to the bad faith claim because BMW was an additional insured under the Policy and by ignoring BMW’s correspondence, refusing to provide explanations as to the denial of coverage, and refusing to acknowledge CARS’ liability, Colony acted in bad faith in processing and denying BMW’s claim. In response, Colony argued that because no coverage existed as to the claim BMW made, Colony could not have acted in bad faith in refusing to pay BMW. The court agreed with Colony, likening the case presented to situation in Myrick v. Prime Insurance Syndicate, Inc., 395 F.3d 485 (4th Cir. 2005):

As previously discussed, with respect to the Vehicles, the Policy did not afford BMW coverage for this claim. The Fourth Circuit, in Myrick v. Prime Ins. Syndicate, Inc., 395 F.3d 485 (4th Cir. 2005), while interpreting South Carolina insurance law, determined a similar situation to the present case provided reasonable grounds for the insurer to deny coverage. In Myrick, the insured sought to insure three pieces of equipment from loss. Just weeks after the policy became effective, a fire destroyed one of the pieces of equipment the insured sought to have covered under the policy. After the insured made a claim on the destroyed equipment, the insurer correctly determined although the policy at issue did provide property coverage for one machine of the type destroyed, it did not provide such coverage for the specific machine that burned. As a result, the court held that although the parties admitted a contract existed between them, the insurer's refusal to pay benefits was reasonable because the subject matter of the claim allegedly triggering payment did not actually fall within coverage.
The present case bears comparison to Myrick. Just as destruction of the machine in Myrick could never trigger coverage as to the insured because it was not covered in the policy, so too could there never be coverage under the Policy where, as here, BMW did not face any sort of liability to third parties. As a result, just as was the case with the insurer in Myrick, we find Colony had reasonable grounds upon which to not only contest, but also refuse BMW's claim.
(Internal citations omitted). The Court of Appeals further noted the Myrick court also determined that the insurer adequately investigated the insured’s claim; however, in the case presented, BMW’s argument regarding bad faith claims processing was not preserved. The court of appeals therefore found the trial court did not err in granting Colony summary judgment on BMW’s bad faith claim.

How long can an insurance company take to investigate an auto claim?

Q: Another driver hit my car last weekend, and I haven't been paid yet. How long does an insurer have to investigate and pay my claim?

A: Generally, when a claim is uncompliated (no injuries, not a large number of witnesses, no specialized reports needed), 30 days is considered to be a reasonable time frame to investigate and make coverage decisions.

This is true whether you've made the claim against your own insurer or someone else's. Many claims are investigated and paid within 30 days.

Sometimes -- particularly in complex property damage or injury claims -- it can take longer to agree on a settlement. But you should expect reasonable promptness getting answers to your questions during the process.

You can help expedite things by providing requested information, giving statements and answering questions promptly. And if things drag on too long and you live in Washington state, you can file a complaint with our office. (We're the state agency that regulates the insurance industry in Washington.)

Auto insurance and diminished value

Scenario: Your car is struck by another driver, who is at fault. His insurer pays for the repairs, but you believe that your vehicle -- since it has been in a wreck -- is worth less than it was before the crash.

Can you demand that the insurer compensates you for that diminished value?

Yes, but it can be difficult to prove. Diminished value can be part of a claim, but it is up to the claimant -- that's you, in the scenario above -- to prove that the value of the vehicle is diminished after the repairs have been completed.

Doing that may mean getting dealer testimony or an appraisal showing the value of the vehicle before the accident and after the repairs.

Our office, unfortunately, cannot force insurers to pay diminished value claims. You may need to seek legal advice to negotiate a settlement.

Gun Control OR Not Enough Guns?


The Aurora, Colorado shooting was beyond tragic. It was barbaric. It was an evil act by an evil man who plotted for maximum loss of life. He even booby-trapped his apartment with over 30 explosives.
It reminds us all of other U.S. mass shootings in recent years that include:

2011: U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen other people were shot in a parking lot near Tucson, Arizona. Six of those shot died and the shooter found insane.
2009: The Army says 13 people were killed and 30 wounded in a shooting rampage at its Fort Hood base in Texas.
2007: 32 people were killed at Virginia Tech before the shooter killed himself in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
2006: A 32 year old, shot five girls fatally at an Amish School, and then killed himself. The Amish quickly forgave his family.
1999: Students just 18, and 17, opened fire at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 13 and wounding 26 others before committing suicide.
1998: Shockingly, an 11, and 13 year old, killed four girls and a teacher at a Jonesboro, Arkansas, middle school. 10 others were wounded in the shooting.
1991: A man, in Luby's Cafeteria in Texas, killed 22 people, wounding 20 more.

We all want to stop these, so Congress again looks at tougher gun laws.  A Federal “Assault Weapon Ban” was in effect from 1994 to 2004. It banned high capacity magazines, (a spring loaded metal box that hold bullets that anyone can make) in an effort to curb shootings. In the shootings above, the only one even using an assault rifle was The Aurora shooting, and that was only after he used a shotgun.

Where gun control exists, such as Chicago which has a murder rate higher than Mexico City, only law-abiding citizen are disarmed. Criminals do not obey laws.  This seems to be new information to some. Insane people who intend suicide and want to take people with them will even rig 30 explosives, which are also banned.

But here is one thing in common: With only the exception of Tucson, every public shooting in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed since at least 1950 has occurred in a place where citizens are not allowed to carry their own firearms.
In fact, Switzerland issues firearms to all adults, and the rate of gun crime is too low to report. This is why people do not rob police departments and gun shops very often.  The argument that lot of armed people will just cause a shootout is invalid if the only alternative is that innocent people are slain like helpless cattle.

I wish an armed, trained concealed-carry permit holder had violated theater policy and had used his prohibited handgun to stop the shooter that night in Aurora. Don’t you?  
If so, then you may agree that the problem is not a lack of gun laws, but a lack of gun owners.

Extrinsic Evidence in Duty to Defend Applications

The primary issue in this duty to defend application was the admissibility of extrinsic evidence regarding a lease. The applicant was the owner of a plaza. It was sued after a worker was electrocuted while installing a sign. The deceased had been hired to install the sign on behalf of a tenant of the plaza, Design Depot. Under the lease between 1540039 and Design Depot, the landlord was added as an additional insured. 1540039 brought an application seeking to be defended by Design Depot's insurer. It sought to introduce evidence that the deceased was hired by Design Depot.

The application judge refused to admit the evidence and the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal.  It cited the Supreme Court decision of Monenco that held that extrinsic evidence will rarely be allowed in duty to defend applications. In addition, the evidence did not assist in any event as the allegations against 1540039 related to its ownership of the plaza and the lease agreement did not extend coverage in the circumstances.

The door is still open to allow extrinsic evidence in certain cases, but in general the primary focus on duty to defend applications will be on the policy itself.
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